Sugar, We're Going Down [Part 2] (Madison's POV)

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    I'm glad Joe and Andy were on my side. It felt nice to know that I had people that could help me rest my case. Pete and Patrick, however, weren't speaking to each other or me. I remember them yelling at each other once, but that was it.  For the first time in the week, Pete wanted to drive, so he drove and Joe sat up there with him. Patrick did lightly smile at me, but he didn't talk.

    There was one time in between 4-7 when both Pete and Patrick broke down sobbing, but still didn't talk to/ confront one another. They were best friends. It was stupid that they were fighting.

    Joe, Andy, and I were able to coax Patrick into the bowling room with us. He said, "I just can't trust you, Maddie." He made a strike and pumped his fist in the air.

    Andy said, "Caitlyn lied right through her teeth. Don't you remember how she said she'd hurt all of us?"

    Patrick said, "Yeah, so?"

    Joe said, "Let's backtrack a little bit. Andy and I were fighting. Pete fell and cut himself. You got caught cutting. Pete got dumped. And Maddie got falsely blamed. That stuff doesn't just happen in coincidence."

     Patrick said, "You do have a point."

     Andy said, "Okay, then don't be upset with Maddie. Blame Caitlyn."

     Patrick turned around and walked over to me. He then leaned down and hugged me. He said, "I forgive you."

     I hugged him back and said, "Yay."

    Pete was a whole different question. We had to a.) have him forgive me and b.) have him and Patrick forgive one another. About 15 minutes before I turned the lights out, Pete and I were in the room. He'd chosen me over Patrick, which was one step towards forgiveness. We stayed in silence for a while. He looked really cute in his "Suck My Richard" shirt and green/ black checkered pants.

       I said finally, "Pete, you have to say something."

       Pete said, "Why? I'm upset with you and mad at Patrick. I don't need to say anything."

       I said, "But I would never say anything like that! You know that."

       He said, raising his voice, "Then why the fuck would Caitlyn say it? Nobody just mentions that."

       Just on time, Joe, Andy, and Patrick walked in the room. Pete said, "Oh, no. Not him." He tried to get up, but Joe lightly pushed him down.

       Patrick said, "I'm not happy with you either. Quit playing the victim."

       The two started yelling about random stuff, and Joe said, "Hey. Hey! HEY!" The two shut up and he said, "Caitlyn was lying. Maddie would never say anything like that. Caitlyn promised to ruin Maddie's life. And she kinda has. At least, in context of us. I mean, Patrick forgave her, why can't you?"

        Pete sighed, and I thought he was gonna cry again. He said, "I lost my girlfriend, almost lost my best friend, and had glass implanted in my body because of her. Bitch is gon' pay."

        Joe said, "Best friend?"

        Pete said, "Yeah, Patrick. You're my best friend, bro. I'm sorry. Are we cool?"

        Patrick said, "Me too. And we're cool, yeah." He sat on the bed and the two hugged. We clapped.

          He said, "And Maddie, I forgive you too. I know it wasn't your fault." We hugged as well, and the others clapped. Again.

         Andy said, "Okay, so we need to give Caitlyn revenge. And I have an idea." Pete scooted closer to me, and then he pat the spot next to him, where Patrick moved. Joe moved next to us, and he said, "Okay, so if you guys are okay with it, tomorrow in Spanish, we're gonna fight. And I mean fight. Like, calling each other bad names, punching, yelling, shit like that. And then, she's gonna ask why, knowing her. And then we're gonna say that it's because of her, and then she'll either apologize or not, and if not, everyone will hate her or she'll be embarrassed. Either way, we'll have gotten our revenge. Sound good?"

          I said, "That's a great plan. She's so annoying and needs a taste of her own medicine." I high- fived Andy, and he high- fived Joe, Patrick, and Pete.

         The three high- fived me and Pete said, "This is gonna rock." We all nodded and laughed.

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