Sugar, We're Going Down [Part 1] (Joe's POV)

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     The next day was easily one of the worst days of any of our lives. It started off okay; Maddie got 90- 100% on all of the tests she got back. Also, some random girl complimented my shirt, and we went to a Music Club meeting, and the topic was us. it was pretty awesome.

       Until 6th period. We walked in and got waved to like it was a normal day. And that's where it all started going downhill. Here's how it started. After 10 minutes of class, Caitlyn raised her hand and said, "Um, Mrs. G, I have an announcement."

        Mrs. G said, "Go ahead, Caitlyn."

        Caitlyn walked up to the front of the class and got a shit ton of stink eyes. She said, "Um, I have something to say to you guys. I'm talking to Patrick, Joe, Pete, and Andy." I rolled my eyes and she said, "I think there's something you should know about Madison."

         Jada said, "Oh, Caitlyn, they don't need to hear anything about her."

         Cailtyn said, "Oh, this is good news. For me. Um, I don't know if you've heard, but Madison, you so- called "friend", has been sharing your secrets. Like, for example, I don't know. Maybe the fact that Joe and Andy were fighting over a girl, Patrick cuts and Pete got dumped because of a gay scandal."

           Patrick shook his head, tears in his eyes, and said, "Would you really do that?"

           Maddie said, "No."

           Patrick said, "I wish I could believe that."

           Pete, however, burst into tears. Caitlyn looked content and Pete said, "Maddie, I thought we were friends!"

            Maddie said, "We are! She's lying."

            Pete just shook his head and walked into the room next to us. Patrick followed him, and then I heard yelling. It was them two.

            I heard Patrick yell, "Fuck you, Pete! Maybe if you hadn't fucking looked at my cuts that once, we wouldn't be in this mess!"

             Pete said, "I'm trying to help you here, stop being so selfish!"

             Patrick ran back in the door and said, "I'm done. Maddie, I'm not blaming you, it's just that I thought our secrets were secret. I guess I was wrong." He walked out the door, going who knows where.

              Andy stood up and yelled to Caitlyn, "Fuck you, stupid bitch. I'm sorry, but you've ruined our band. I mean, who would honestly believe that Maddie was say any of that shit? Raise your hand if you think Maddie would say any of that."

              Not one person in that class raised their hand, and Devon stepped in, "You're not gonna get away with this." Maddie rubbed her forehead, and Devon continued, "I just hope you're happy."

               I said, "Yeah. Because of you, Pete and Patrick are fighting and may never be friends again. It had better feel good." I saw Maddie shake her head at Caitlyn, and Caitlyn sighed. She knew what she'd done. And she couldn't take it back.

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