Last Friday Night [Part 3] (Pete's POV)

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At around 7:00, Brady's friends, Madison's friends and Mikaela's friends were all over. Apparently, it was Brady's 18th birthday and he had invited over 30 people over and he had allowed Maddie and Mikaela to invite friends over. Maddie's friends Jessica, Andrew, Michael and Mandy were over. Also, with Brady's permission, I had invited over Brendon, Dallon, Ryan, Spencer, Maegan, Nate and Jack (Andrew was at some stupid fucking family dinner and couldn't come.)

With about 50+ people at Maddie's house, I knew the game would be good. As soon as 10 of Brady's friends, including Ryan, A.J. and his girlfriend, Lisa, were over, I could tell that at least 5 of them were complete potheads and the others were straight A students. What a great combination.

When everyone was there, people were just hanging out, eating pizza and fried chicken, drinking soda, hooking up the XBox, playing Top 40 radio and surprisingly not smoking weed and taking shots. I was sitting on the couch. Jessica was at the end, Madison was next to her, Patrick was by her, I was next to him, and Stella was at the other end. There was still a lot of room left, so we'd see what happened.

At around 7:30, the sodas and cookies were out. Maegan, Mikaela, and Jada were on the couch with us. In front of us, Devon, Andrew, Mack, Brad and Dustin sat on the floor. Madison was telling a story about a text Devon had sent her. She said, "So he texts me saying that he's doing something fun and if I wanna come over. So I text back, asking what he's doing. And then he texts me saying that he's taking a shit." The living room roared with laughter and Devon hugged Maddie. After Devon's phone rang and he had talked to his mom for about 5 minutes, we were ready. One of Brady's friends, Jay, said, "So, how do we play?"

Patrick explained, "All of us tell a story about the best day of our life. The winner gets to opt out of the loser's punishment, eating one cookie and drinking half a cup of the soda of their choice. We'll play a couple rounds to get used to it, then it'll be real. If we run out of cookies or soda, someone can go buy more. We'll start with 10 rounds, and the 3 people who have ingested the least at the end of the 10 rounds will square off with each other. The winner of that round wins. If at any time you opt out, give up, or in rare cases, throw up, you're out. Got it? Good."

Joe said, "Leggo." Everyone laughed and we were ready to go.

Going in a circle, Brady went first. Patrick added, "Since there's 52 people here, we'll do 4 sets of 13 to keep some sanity."

Brady said, "My best day was technically 2 best days. Is that okay?" Andy gave him the thumbs up and he continued, "The first one was the 2nd day of freshman year. I came to school worried that the second day would be worst than the first, because the day following, I had gotten lost and already made my first high school enemy, Sir Devon Vera."

Devon laughed and said, "Hi, that's me."

Brady continued, "I was walking from Geometry, my second period class, when I tripped and fell on concrete. Luckily, nobody was around, except for Lisa. She came up to me and helped me up. She said we had 4th period (Bio), 5th period (English) and 6th period (Spanish) together, and after talking for a while, we realized we hung out in the same area and after that, we started hanging out more. But I'm not done. The second day was the second week of junior year. Lisa had found out I liked her and told me she wanted to be just friends, but I didn't give up there. I invited her to dinner and I decided to dedicate a dance to her, cause I'm a dope dancer. It went downhill fast when I spilled spaghetti on her dress and she yelled at me. After running out of the restaurant in tears and being confronted by Maddie, Lisa came out and apologized for bring rude and said she'd love to go out with me. And then we kissed, which started our relationship, 6 months and 2 weeks ago."

I said, "Holy shit, that was long. But it was one of the best stories I've heard in 3 months. Lisa, your turn."

After the first set of 13 had gone, Jessica had her turn. She said, "My best day was definitely the day Maddie and I met in P.E. Prior to meeting her, I was popular but I felt like it was only because of my money. We were playing volleyball and Maddie asked to play with us. I asked and our friends said yeah, but then both of us walked off and started talking. 20 minutes later, I had a new best friend that didn't only like me for my money, because she's rich too." Maddie laughed.

Maddie went next. She said, "Mine's short and sweet. The best day of my life, well I've had three, but the best by far was when I auditioned for 'Oh, Cassie' and got the lead. Second best was meeting all my friends, and 3rd best was today."

Devon said, "Okay, the best day of my life was 3 months or so ago when Maddie performed at Winter Formal after being discovered by Christian Jardine. She said she'd be interested some other time but we were more important. And then she kissed me. I was so happy."

Patrick was next and said, "The best day of my life was when we came back off hiatus and people found out I'd lost 60 pounds of weight and were congratulating me. Holy smokes, it felt good."

My story was about the day I met Maegan. I didn't dabble much into it since most people knew.

Of all 13 of us, it was between Madison, Patrick, Joe, Andrew, and Jada. After a large fit of discussing, Madison took the cake and the rest of us had to do the deal. The last 2 rounds were somewhat lame, and the winners were Brady, Madison, Mandy and Andrew. After hearing about girlfriends, TV shows, getting a job and passing a permit test literally 2 hours before, it was hard to pick the winner, so me, Patrick, Andy, and Joe judged.

Joe went first and went with Brady, Andy picked Andrew, and both Patrick and I decided to go with Maddie. After that, it was time for the worst day competitions.

Brady went first again, and he said, "Okay, my worst day was in 7th grade when my friends and I went figure skating. I wasn't paying attention to my surroundings and ran into my friend, Casey. Both of us got hurt and I ended up breaking my leg when he broke his arm and twisted his ankle. We were both in casts for 6 weeks. Even though it wasn't the bad, it still hurt like fuck when my leg twisted the hell in half."

After everyone clapped, Patrick said, "So, now we're gonna bump it up to 3 winners per round. Everyone good? Kay."

*forward a bit*

Jessica's worst day involved a car accident that had nearly killed her little brother and older sister, and herself. Maddie's worst day involved her grandmother's death, and Patrick's involved a concert in which a "fan" had called him fat.

Devon, who actually went before Patrick, started off with saying that his worst day was on a Christmas, 13 years ago. He said, "It was when I was 5. I asked for one of the best gifts anyone could get. My dad. You see, he passed away a month before I was born. I wanted to meet him so bad, I mean I was 5. I didn't know shit. But my mom, she got me Lincoln Logs. And a ton of other shit that I loved but could never compare to having my dad. It was definitely the worst day of my life. I'm sorry if I get emotional. Talking about it makes it worse." He put his head in his hands.

I put my hand on his shoulder and he looked up, tears in his eyes. I said, "It's okay, buddy. He loved you, no doubt." It felt good to be nice to this kid and even though I'd only knew him for 3 somewhat hours, he seemed cool as hell. Not just because he no doubt smoked pot. He smiled at me and whispered, "Thanks."

While I was preparing for my turn, A.J. turned on some music. I recognized the song immediately as JT's "Drink You Away." Patrick, Jada, and Madison sang, "I cant drink you away, I've tried Jack, I've tried Jim, I've tried all of them, yes." Laughing, I said I was ready.

I said, "Well, my worst day was the day when I attempted suicide. I remember driving and listening to some weird song. I was just so fucked up back then that I decided to take a bunch of pills in a Best Buy parking lot."

It was completely silent. Madison, Jada, Jessica, Brady, and a lot of other people, including myself, were either crying or trying not to cry. I said, "I'm just so glad I'm okay now. I have the best friends and the best girlfriend ever. I have it better than most people do." Patrick and Stella pat me on the back and Madison hugged me. Patrick looked really sad for some reason, but I knew he was just being sympathetic. I really did have it good.

After everyone had gone, it was a tie between Devon and I. In the end, the person with the least had turned out to be Michael Morrow, Mandy's brother, which wasn't surprising since his life was pretty full of excitement and bad stuff. Brendon took 2nd place, which made him a bit upset but he ended up laughing with Michael about it and becoming his good friend. We hung out for about 6 (yes, 6) more hours. Well, most people left around 2 a.m. but there were some people, including us, who were spending the night.

Pretty much the only bad part of the night was around 11 p.m. All I remember was Brady's friend and I getting into a fight over something stupid, him telling me to "Go fuck myself" and me punching him in the face. It's weird that I could only remember that, since I was half the fight. He wasn't hurt too bad, and we made up after, surprisingly. All in all, it was a good night.

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