What A Catch, Maddie [Part 1] (Andy's POV)

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    I hated getting up early. Maddie got up at 6:30 and got us up at 7. Poor Pete virtually was up with her. Well, he didn't seem to mind, though. I guess it was better than getting up at 5 for shows. We were at the school at 7:50, disguises and all.

      Joe (Andrew) said to Maddie, "So, what's your first class?"

     She said, "I have Chemistry. I love blowing stuff up."

     I heard on the loudspeaker, "Madison Baker, please come to the office. Madison Baker."

     When we got there, the first thing she asked was, "Am I in trouble?"

     The principal, Mr. Miller, said, "You're not in trouble. I actually wanted to ask if your friends wanted to perform at our spring fling on Friday. Our DJ can only play until 8:30. It's a shame. But Fall Out Boy will rock the crowd."

      Pete (Justin) said, "How'd you know it was us?"

      Mr. M said, "I saw your tour bus. It says your name in huge letters."

      Joe said, "Shit."

     Mr. M said, "So will you guys do it? Maddie, your band is more than welcome to perform a song as well."

     Patrick said, "I'm up for it if you guys are. Are you?"

     I said, "Yeah."

     Pete said, "Fuck yes."

     Joe said in a Simon Cowell- esque voice, "It's a yes from me."

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