Piercing Flower

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Genre- Angst


'The day seems pleasant. 
You could see the morning dew trickle off the leaves of plants, you could hear the subtle chirps of birds in the distance. This morning is perfect', Minsoo thinks.

Bang Minsoo used to be in love, way back when she was only 16, quite a young age; her star crossed lover was named Jeon Jungkook, the flower boy she met in class. 

She can still recount all the seconds in her head.


The halls squeak, with all the running shoes creating friction against the tile floor. Minsoo could hear it clearly, but she wouldn't complain; actually, she herself was one of the students running to class. The bell makes it's annoying ring as she halts in front of english class, panting heavily, crashing into people around her.

"Sorry," she mutters. All she hears are grunts of "It's fine.", and "Whatever."

There's one kid, though, that says something different; he's wearing a black and red sweater with holes on the side and front. Minsoo wonders who he was as he asks her if she was okay. By the way she was panting, it would've been easy to assume something was wrong. 

"Are you alright, Miss I-Don't-Know-Your-Name?"
"I'm fine." She squeaks. "My name is Minsoo. Bang Minsoo." She stares down at her feet, trying to avoid contact. 
"That's a nice name."
"Sure is."
"Aren't you gonna ask what mine is?" The guy asks, as he leans his head over his hand, resting it.

Minsoo sighs and finds the tendency to ask him for his name. She won't regret it later, she predicts.

"My name is Jeon Jungkook." The guy smiles, "Nice to meet you, Bang Minsoo."


Later that day, Minsoo heads over to the local supermarket, buying food, water, necessities, all that stuff. Her stomach churns and her head reels, but she hides it. She bumps into an old friend of hers, named Hoseok. They make light conversation before Minsoo is waving bye, and she's sighing to herself once again. Last thing she wanted is to remember her past, and Hoseok made her do just that.


"...I like you."
"I told you already, Minsoo. I like you."

She pauses, staring at Jungkook with his little pretty rose, on his knees. She wanted to tear up and be emotional, but that would make her look like an idiot, so she hides it and puts on a poker face. "I like you too, Kookie."

Next moment, Minsoo's being picked up with strong hands. They were Jungkook's, and she was lifted so high that she thought she could see the whole world. The crowds of people make her cheeks red from embarrassment and she enjoyed the attention. She was high; off of love, off of happiness. When she comes back to reality; all she hears is a simple statement.

"Be mine, Minsoo."


When she came home, Minsoo wass in a trance. She saw the cards from her treasured days, she also found those flowers she'd been trying so hard to keep alive. They're rotting, so she throws them out aimlessly, it lands in the garbage can with a loud thud. She saw his old clothes, throwing those away too; right then was when she realized her heart was breaking. Ventricle by ventricle, ripping in pieces and shattering. Maybe it was fate. She'd meet him again, right? It's possible, she tells herself, it's not the last time. 

Holding those thoughts, the girl who once was in love fell asleep.


"Good morning, jagi." The man beside Minsoo mutters out. Her legs are tangled with his under the floral covers; she giggled. She got up and went to change, after that going down to cook breakfast. 

"My jagi is so perfect." She saw Jungkook leaning against the door frame to the kitchen. "We're perfect together."
Minsoo giggled, believing Jungkook. After all, what's the worst that could happen? Her head nodded to the beat of her heart as he held her hand. They were connected, both of them.

They were in bliss.


The clock slowed into a steady pace as Minsoo holds the rose peals to her heart; she cried. Once more, she screamed, with deadly silence, once more, their love will be real again. Minsoo grabbed a nearby photo of her and Jungkook. They were in prom; she was wearing a beautiful white, strapless dress. Jungkook was in his suit and tie, all fancy and dressed up. She found him attractive, but she stops herself and puts the frame back where it once was; in her and his memory box.


"We should make something so we can remember all our memories," Jungkook stated. "That way, even when one of us passes away, we still have a connection with them."

"You're crazy, man." Minsoo laughs. They wouldn't be dying anytime soon, they were both twenty, and married. Jungkook's parents were successful business workers, and Minsoo's parents had steady jobs. "But since I love you," Minsoo ran off to find her prized box, that she never used. "We can use this."
Jungkook smiled and kissed her forehead. 

"I really do love you, Minsoo."
She pecks the box's handle with her lips, lifting it up so Jungkook can do the same, and he does. 

"Forever and always."


Forever and always my ass. 
She grabbed the box and cried her little poor heart out. After a while, the girl decides to go out for a little trip to a place she visits often. This time, she brings the box of memories while sighing.


Minsoo arrives at the graveyard. 
With all her heart, she went up to the grave of her love. 

Jeon Jungkook, 
Passed away of a heart attack. 

"Forever and always," she whispered to the stone, caressing it with her hand. She dug her wrists into the soil beside the grave and puts the box inside. Afterwards, she grabs some dirt and pats it over the surface until its little grave is almost unnoticeable.

"I love you, Jeon Jungkook. The piercing flower in my heart." 


"Jungkook, do you like flowers?" Minsoo asked one day. They're out at her favourite store to buy flowers, so Minsoo wanted to buy Jungkook some.

"Of course I do. But, not the ones you seem to like," Jungkook grabs a white rose from the stands, looking at it then lifting it up. "I like flowers that are beautiful but piercing. Just like you." He ruffled her hair slightly as her cheeks turn pink once again; he laughed. She muttered out to him saying, "You should shut up with cute comments in public," but Jungkook's relentless. 
"You're my flower. I'll be yours."


That day was perfect. 
It really was.
The day was perfect; because Minsoo got to see Jungkook again

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