Closer pt.4

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22th February

"Come to me Closer;" "Is it real or just another Crush?"

After the kiss incident, we grew apart and awkward. He will always seat two seats away from me when we are in the bus. The pairing changing is not helping either. Now Jungkook sit with Jimin while I got my pair which is Yoongi, the guy who they said my destiny —because of our same personality.

Jungkook and Jimin in front while I am still at the back. Furthermore, when we become a group for some project, he will always ask to change with one of the boys, leaving me, Jimin, Yoongi and who he pick. The one who always get pick is Taehyung though, the alien in class. Jungkook doesn't show any sign that he want to talk to me either.

I sighed for an incoherent times today. My eyes were staring at his back most of the time. We all need to discuss what club we want to join today, and thanks to Jimin, he convinced me to join the Performance Club –even though I don't actually sure why I'm just okay with it. Once the bell rang, we went to our own club meeting to start the club activities.

"Yunseo!" Taehyung called and I smiled at him. "Hi, Taehyung." I greet making he grinned. "So, what club are you joining? Librarians club?" he teased and I rolled my eyes, "It maybe fit my personality but I love challenges. So I'm joining the Performance Club.". "Really? We are same then!" he beamed. "Can't wait to meet the others!" he yelled out of happiness before running towards Hoseok, his best friend from the other class. Rumors said Hoseok is a great dancer, maybe he will join the Performance Club too.

"Yunseo!" Jimin said as he sling his arm around my shoulder, "Thank you for choosing the Performance Club and I'll make sure you will have fun with us.". "You such a promoter." I stated and he laughed. We talk about things in our school and about the White Day coming. Jimin said he wanted to try to make chocolate himself and give it to everyone in class, not caring girls or guys. Jungkook suddenly walk pass by us and my hand automatically went to hold his wrist.

He face me with a poker face and I finally stated, "Stop running away from me.". "It hurts me whenever you do." there's a slight sadness hint in my voice. He hesitated before finally walking together with me and Jimin. I smiled at his action before talking to Jimin back, my hand slid closer to his; my hand hold his securely, like this is where he supposed to be.

I was getting nervous when Taehyung showed off his singing skill. After him would be Yoongi, Hoseok and then me, followed by Jimin, Jungkook and other members in the club. The leader of this club, Namjoon said if we want to join, we need to at least have talent and passion. If he found anyone who join just because wanted to do nothing, he'll kick them out immediately. For now, 15 students from 45 were kicked out.

You know why I am nervous so effin' much? One, because I can't sing nor dance. Two, I enter this club because of Jimin persuasion saying that Namjoon is nice and how fun this club is. "Well for sure, I'm gonna get kick out before I even start anything." I huffed.

Yoongi slayed his performance with his rapping. His stage end and Hoseok start his performance as I started to have cold sweats. Damn me, why I need to follow Jimin in the first place?

Someone tap me on the shoulder and I craned my neck to the right, founding Jimin grinning. "Don't be nervous. I am sure you can do well." he said and I glared at him, "What do you mean by well? I can't even sing for goodness sake.". "Here some tips then." he said scooting closer to me. "One, sing with emotions. Two, sing it for someone. Three, express the lyrics. With this three easy steps, you can sing." Jimin shrugged. "Easy for you to say cause you can sing. My voice is like a cicada hiding on the tree!" I whisper-yelled. "What the–? Seo, why are you comparing yourself to a cicada?" Jimin made a face. "I don't know!"

"There. Look at him." Jimin point towards the latter. My eyes darted to Jungkook and a small frown made it way on my face. "Don't you want to tell him something? You guys relationship are not even close now and this is not even the middle of the year. Don't you want to be close again?" Jimin questioned, starting to stir questions in my head.

"Next." Namjoon called and Jimin wish me a good luck. Never once Jungkook look up to see me. I sighed quietly before bowing. "My name is Kim Yunseo. I wanted to join this club because.." my eyes darted towards him. "Because I wanted to tell someone to be himself again."

"If I get kicked out after this, I don't think I'll regret anything." I smiled towards Namjoon and it seems like he is proud or some sort. "I'm gonna sing Closer, by SISTAR Hyorin."

They clapped like always and I started to sing. At first I look down, just thinking that I wanted to do well. Before the chorus came, I remember Jimin words making I darted my eyes to him. Jungkook, please look at me.

"Come to me closer." I sing the chorus, smiling with full of hope. He still doesn't turn his attention to me making I kinda disappointed. The climax came and I pull the high note.

"Can you feel my love; I'll give you my all."

Damn, I can pull that high note well. Jimin cheered and I sing more confidently when Jungkook finally turn his attention to me. His eyes are searching for something in me and I show him what I wanted to show –or tell. I don't really know what he translate from my eyes but all I see is his cheek get a slight pink, a small smile on his lips as he hid his face in between his knees.

I bowed my head when I end my song. Namjoon gave an approved smile and he nod at me, telling that I am in. I almost squealed in excitement and almost hug him. Thankfully, there are so many students there to remind me to behave. "Thank you so much!" I thanked him before he called for Jimin.

I took a sit which is next to Jimin. He high-five me as he stand up. I realized Jungkook scoot closer to me, smiling bashfully. "Yunseo~" he whispered. "Yunseo~" he called again, pushing me a bit by the shoulder. "I hate you." I said, crossing my arms. "I miss you." he confessed making I rolled my eyes, "Oh really? I didn't see your sign of missing me during the past days."

"I'm sorry." he pouted, "I'm just scared if I do the same again.". "It's hard to control myself." he ruffled his hair. I stay quiet as I don't know how to react. "Sorry for your first kiss." he apologizes and I shake my head, "It's okay.". "You are fine with that?" he asked, eyes went big.

"It's an accident anyway." I shrugged. "The song you sang doesn't bring that meaning though.." he started to tease and my cheeks start to heat. "I sing just to emphasize the 'Come to me Closer' part." I defended myself and he quirk an eyebrow, "Yeah, right."

Jimin performance end and we clap our hands. "Wish me luck?" Jungkook asked and I pat his head, "Good luck and please don't pull the high notes, thanks.". He laughed, "Thanks.". Jimin came and take a seat next to me. "So how my performance?" he questioned making I sighed, "Please blame Jungkook because I am so not focus that time.". Jimin laughed at my statement before shook his head lightly, "He is guilty as charge."

"What song is he going to sing?" I questioned making Jimin quickly answer, "He saidd Zion. T, Work–"

"Crush by David Archuleta."

"He said what–" Jimin show off his judging face, "Why is he changing the song at the last minute?!". I chuckled at Jimin behavior. Both me and an upset Jimin focus on Jungkook performance.

"And the possibilities that you feel the same way, about me is just too much, just too much."

"Why do I keep running from the truth." I sing together quietly before harmonizing with him quietly. "All I ever think about is you." our eyes met, "You got me hypnotize, so mesmerized; and I just got to know.". Both of us smiled at each other when our eyes met.

"Do you ever think, when you're all alone. All that we could be, where this thing can go."

"Am I crazy or falling in love?" he tilt his head cutely, "Is it real or just another crush?". I chuckled to myself, shaking my head a bit. Jimin smiled at our interaction. Jimin pat my back before turn back his attention to his buddy.

Jungkook performance then end and he bowed. Namjoon approved his skills and with one last smile he gave to me, Jungkook are back to his old self.

Thank you for reading

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