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"It's gone, Jeon Jungkook. The baby is gone.", you whispered.

He just stared at you. "How can she be calm? Is this some kind of joke?", Jungkook thought.

"What do you mean the baby's gone? It's not funny, baby. Stop joking.", he forced a laugh.

"I'm sorry oppa. I-I'm sorry.", you said holding in your tears.

"Are you fucking kidding me?", he shouted. You cannot believe he's shouting at you. He has never been like this to you.

"Oppa I-. This is all my fault I- "

"That's right! Blame yourself, because it really is your fault!", he cut you off before you could even find the words to say.

"I'm sorry oppa I-", he left you.He left you at the hospital. Alone.

Is this the end? It can't be. You lost your baby. You could not lose Jungkook. He's supposed to be your strength right now. You can't lose him.

A week has passed and he still did not show up. No texts, no calls, everything. You're really happy that he's an idol because if not, you wouldn't know how he is. But seeing him like that on TV makes you wonder, "Is he okay now? Does he miss you too? When is he ever going to talk to you?" You decided to send him a message.

"Oppa, can we talk?"

Seconds after, he replied. You were surprised. You thought he would say something like "I'm busy." or "Not now." You stared at his reply for a good few seconds.

"I'll come over."

Few minutes later, your doorbell rang. You quickly checked yourself in the mirror before getting the door. Of course you wanted to look decent enough in front of him. Opening the door, you were greeted by a rather grumpy Jungkook. Was he still mad at you? You can only sigh.

"So what do you want?", he said coldly.

"Oppa, are you still mad?"

"Should I be happy instead? How can you be okay when you lost my baby?" You were fighting back your tears.

"Do you really think I'm okay? If you're hurting so much, then how do you think would I feel?", you raised your voice.

"I am the mother, for God's sake!"

"That's right! You're the mother. How can you lose your own child?"

That was it. Your tears betrayed you. You were now shouting at each other.

"Are you seriously blaming me? Jungkook if I had the choice I wouldn't have let our baby die.", you cried loudly. You were positive that your neighbors can hear you. "God I carried the baby for five months. Five long months Jeon Jungkook. Five months alone, while you were away for promotions when you should be taking care of me and the baby, and here you are thinking that everything's my fault." He was so mad that it scared you.

"So now it's my fault? Is that what you want to hear, huh? That it's my fault that YOU lost the baby?", he shouted emphasizing the word 'you'. You only cried silently.

"Let's just end this.", he said calmly.

"What do you mean end this?", you were afraid to hear his response. You never thought of breaking up. Never in your life would you want that to happen.

"Let's end everything. Let's break up."

There. He said it. He said the words you thought he would never say. But you can't let this happen. You can't let him leave you. This is just an argument.


"Baby, it's best that we end this. I could not see you without getting hurt and I know you feel it too. Because every part of you reminds me of the baby. We should let go and move on.", he cut you off.

"Oppa, what happened to forever?", you said sweetly, forcing a smile.

"Forever came too fast for us, baby.", he whispered, hugging you as tight as he could. "But we need to move on. All of us needs to.", he continued.

You did not answer him. You only sobbed quietly. You refuse to believe that the guy who promised you forever was now leaving you. Right then and there, your story ended. He left you there. He left you crying.

Some people are meant to fall in love, but that doesn't mean that they're meant to be together, like you and Jungkook. But you were happy. Happy that you and your Kookie were fated to meet, fated to fall in love and fated to hurt. You were not meant to last, hence you were unfated.


-please read-
Hope you guys enjoyed it:) I won't be able to update Imagines regularly but I want to publish a Kim Taehyung story which I wrote 2 years ago. Will you all read it? If i publish it? I won't edit the grammatical errors because I want you all to see my writing before hahhaa it is horrible but i promise you all that it will be really interesting or may not be. Will you guys read it?

Any Kim Taehyung biased?

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