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It was Valentines' Day today, the day where couples celebrate the special love occasion together. A bouquet of daisies – one of your favourite flowers rested on your lap as your boyfriend who you have been dating for a year sat beside you in the bus, arms around your shoulders while your head lay against his collarbones.

He was bringing you to the beach to celebrate this special day knowing how much you loved the place; the perfect setting for a romantic walk which was basically all you ever dreamed of.

You tilted your head slightly upwards to look at him, and seeing him in deep thought you asked "What are you thinking of? You look like you're thinking so seriously, rare sight that is."

Looking down at you, his expression turned into an adorable pout "Hey what's that supposed to mean..." You chuckled and he broke into a soft grin "Nah just thinking back to the day you became mine." Your face showed a tint of surprise "Well that's random, heh." Jungkook tapped your nose and leaned down to kiss you on your forehead, all the while mumbling "I love you, I love you I love you" A soft shade of pink tinted your cheeks and your hand reached over to his, playing with his fingers you mumbled back "I love you too." Sighing in content, you leaned your head back onto his chest and recollected the past events.


28th January 2013

"Hey." You felt a light tap on your shoulder, and as you turned your head you were met with a finger poking on your right cheek accompanied by a smiling Jungkook. Laughing you turned your body to face him and stretched out your hands to poke both his cheeks, "Dimples." The boy only replied with a wink "Dimples are cute but I'm cuter." You stifled a laugh as you walked away, pretending to gag while Jungkook only laughed at your reaction.

"So what're you here for?" You asked.

"Nothing much just needed to borrow a stapler." Jungkook answered. Lamest excuse ever, you thought. You knew the boy had a crush on you, and you knew very well you liked him back, too. The both of you met when he first came over to the bookstore you worked in to borrow a broom and dustpan, as the ones in the retail shop he worked in beside the bookstore were spoilt. Soon a "thank you" and a slight bow turned into small talks, ended up into an actual conversation and you two often went for lunch breaks together. It had been 6 months since you became friends with the really cute boy working next door; in the 4th month you were positive he had a crush on you by the way he acted, and it didn't take long before you realised you reciprocated his feelings.

You decided to tease him as you raised a brow and asked "Don't you have staplers in the shop?"

As if he'd been caught, Jungkook widened his eyes for a millisecond before stuttering "Uhh ou-ours ran of out st-staple bullets."

You smirked as you handed him the tool "Sure." The boy took it from your hands, his eyes in contact with yours, and his fingers brushing against your own for longer than necessary before muttering a "thanks" and returning to his store.

Minutes later he returned with the stapler and placed it on the counter, and since you were busy writing orders you didn't bother to look up. This only made Jungkook clear his throat, hoping to win your attention. When he was met with no response he turned around to leave, only to hear three words that made him stop in his footsteps and his eyes turn into crescents. "Yes choco chip?" Choco chip was a nickname you specially gave him because of the mole on his neck, which you found really adorable. The said boy walked back to you with a shy smile playing on his lips, while awkwardly concentrating his gaze on the floor. "Are you... free after work tonight?" Yes, totally, you thought. "Yeah I guess... I only knock off at 8 though." You replied, knowing he'd end work at 6pm today. "It's okay I'll wait. Let's meet at the usual place." Jungkook presented you with his adorableandexcited-yes-omg-thisisoshappening grin before leaving the bookstore. After making sure you're all alone in the store you stifled a small squeal as the curve of your lips tugged upwards.

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