Break up pt.3(Sad ending)

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Alternate ending for the sadist. Don't read if you ship minhee and Jungkook⁉️
(A/N I like making y'all cry)
Alternate Chapter for the Sadists - angst twoshot originalcharacter bts jungkook - Asianfanfics
Minhee awoke the next morning, feeling a fuzzy sensation all over her body, as if someone hugged her. She didn't move for a few seconds, before realizing that there was someone hugging her. Immediately, she became afraid and she started to tremble.

"Don't move.." The man hugging Minhee whined and at once, Minhee recognized that voice. Tears were forming in her eyes. "J-Jungkook..?" Minhee's body shook even more as she suppressed her cries, waking Jungkook up. "Shh, don't cry." He wiped her tears away with his thumbs and he kissed her nose. "Is this a dream?" Minhee asked. "Because if this is a dream, I want it to end.."


"I don't need you in my life anymore, Jeon Jungkook."

Jungkook stared at Minhee. He was confused. What did Minhee just say? "W-What?"

"Jeon. Jung. Kook. Please, I'm telling you this once. I don't need you anymore."

Jungkook's eyebrows furrowed and he pulled Minhee up so that they were sitting while facing each other. "It's not a dream, Minhee. But why, why did you say that? I thought.. I thought you loved me.." Minhee smirked as her tears fell once again. Jungkook attempted to wipe her tears away but got his hand slapped away harshly instead. "I thought you loved me. I was wrong. I made the biggest mistake by being an ordinary girlfriend."

Jungkook shook his head and tried, once again to wipe her tears away but failed yet again. "Jeon Jungkook, don't ing touch me. You're special; don't make any contact with someone who's ordinary." Minhee narrowed her eyes and got off the bed, distancing herself from Jungkook. Jungkook frowned, and he started to plead with Minhee. "Minhee, I.. I realized that I took you for granted. I know my mistake.."

"I know you do. But that doesn't change the fact that you scarred me because the moment you said I was fake, way too ordinary, those words registered in my mind. Those words aren't going to leave. They're going to stick with me for life. And I'll live my life, thinking that I'm normal. I'm not special. From young, I've been taught to think of everyone as special - what they do, makes them who they are. But this one thing I learnt vanished almost immediately. Because of you."

Minhee's eyes were glistening with tears, and they cascaded down her cheeks smoothly. "Minhee-" "Jungkook, you came into my life and made it perfect, made me the happiest woman on earth, and then you sent my whole world crashing down in just a matter of seconds with words that are more than just powerful, so potent that it could ruin someone's life. And that someone, is me."

Jungkook was desperate. "Look, listen to me. Minhee, please, please, give me another chace. I promise, and I will not ing go back on my word - I promise you, I'll do what it takes, for you to be the happiest." Minhee was shaking her head. "I'm sorry. I don't want to make the same mistake again. Please. Jungkook, go."

"It's not going to be the same mistake. It's going to be the best thing ever, Minhee." Minhee finally cracked, and she screamed. "NO! THIS CAN'T BE THE ING BEST THING BECAUSE WHY WOULD THE SAME SOURCE OF WHAT THIS BEST THING WOULD BE, BE THE SAME SOURCE THAT SENT MY WORLD CRUMBLING INTO ING PIECES?!" [a/n: lmao this is going to be hard to understand but try please HAHAHAH]

Jungkook was silenced by her outburst and her words. Tears were still slipping out of Minhee's eyes, and she wiped them away hastily before taking a deep breath and exhaling. "Jeon Jungkook, get out of my room, out of my house, and out of this area. I don't ever want to see you again." "Minhee.." "Out."

Jungkook sighed and got off her bed, gazing at her sadly. "Minhee, can I have a hug before I go?" Minhee looked up. "What more do you want?" She hissed but Jungkook took a step forward and engulfed Minhee in a tight and loving hug. "Take care of yourself when I'm gone. Eat well, live well. You can always look for me if you need to. I'm always free." Minhee scoffed and pried Jungkook off her. "I can take care of myself just fine. Bye." She greeted coldly.

Minhee glared at Jungkook to make him leave. He gazed at her and leaned in again. "Shh." Their lips met and Minhee's eyes went wide. She started to struggle, her hands on Jungkook's chest, trying to push him away. Jungkook was stronger than Minhee, so he pinned her to the wall and continued to kiss her gently, probing for a response.

Minhee was melting inside despite her cold shell. She missed this part the most - Jungkook's kisses. She stopped struggling and her hands dropped to her sides, slumping down quickly, only to be supported by Jungkook's pair of arms. Jungkook gently sat her on the ground with him. "Minhee.. What's wrong?" He asked softly as he caressed her cheek. She got her senses back and glared at him, slapping his hand away.


Jungkook sighed. "Leave." She demanded. Jungkook stood up. "Alright. Take care." "God damn it, just go already." Minhee groaned in frustration as Jungkook backed away, both of his hands up. "Fine fine fine.." He sighed and ruffled his hair before leaving.

After a few minutes that lasted like an eternity to Minhee, she finally broke down and started to sob in the coldness of her home that couldn't comfort her in any way. It was going to hard living without Jungkook. She was going to miss holding his hands, hugging him, inhaling his manly scent whenever they hugged, seeing his smile, running her hands through his hair, playing with him, and kissing him. But most of all, she was going to miss him. Jeon Jungkook.

It was official. She had driven Jungkook away for good. She loved him still, but she had her heart set on not being broken again, so it wouldn't give second chances to anyone. Jungkook was her first ever boyfriend though. And it hurt that her first wasn't her last. Minhee dreamt of marrying Jungkook, and living with him till old.

"Everything's changed.." Minhee whispered.

Days that passed turned into weeks, and finally, a year had passed. BTS never stopped being Minhee's friends. They never stopped visiting Minhee and they never treated her differently. Whenever they visited, Jungkook tagged along and when Jungkook and Minhee met, they never really talked to each other, just a simple 'hi', 'how are you' here and there, then it was absolutely 'no-connection' between them at all.

Everything changed, but the memories and past remained.
SO YEAH some of you wanted happy ending, but it's my birthday today so I want to make y'all cry ㅋㅋㅋㅋsooo i hope you guys like it lmao because whoosh, man i dont know what to say haha.
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