Change pt2

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"I was just a fool, a fool for you. That didn't know what I had 'til I lost you." - Chris Brown

"Moon Jae In?" A male's voice called to a woman, whom was dressed nicely in a gold satin dress. The woman turned to her right, as she smiled in shock. "Kim  Namjoon?" The woman called back, and the man nodded his head.

The two shared a quick hug, and then laughed at each other.

"It's been ages, and wow. You look stunning," Namjoon complimented Jae In, as she smiled at him. "Thank you, as you don't look so bad yourself," Jae In complimented back.

"I didn't know that you're part of the ancient art museum," Namjoon said, as he followed Jae In. "Well, I am one of the artists here, and my work was submitted in," Jae In replied, and Namjoon clapped congratulating Jae In. "You deserve it," he said with a huge smile, and Jae In bowed a thank you.

"So what are you doing here?" Jae In asked, and Namjoon shrugged. "My father wants me to get into local art business soon, as he doesn't want any of my arts to go to waste. So I'm jumping from different museums to see what true art is," Namjoon answered, and Jae In chuckled.

"Still the same old joonie," Jae In joked, as she reached up to his head, and ruffled his hair. "Jae In-ah, you look very lively from before," he said, and Jae In then gave him a small smile.

Speechless with nothing to say, as the past slowly came to her mind, Namjoon broke the silence.

"Have you tried visiting him, ever since you've returned from China?" Namjoon asked, and Jae In shook her head. "He wouldn't care to see me anyways, if I visited," Jae In answered coldly, and Namjoon heaved a sigh.

"He's not very lively like the old guy he is anymore, if that's what you're assuming," Namjoon replied, and Jae In sipped her champagne. "Karma's a , right? I'm finally living better, so I'm glad that he's learning," Jae In said, and examined a different art.

"Jungkook... he—"

"Jae In-ah," another handsome man calls to her, as his voice interrupted Namjoon's. "Yoongi, what is it?" Jae In asked, as she smiled at him. "The boss wants to see you, and would like to have a word with you about your great work," the man tells her, and Jae In excused herself from Namjoon.

Namjoon sighed, as he watches his friend Jae In holds another man's hand.

'Poor Jungkook.' Namjoon said in his head.

Jungkook coughed multiple times, as he slowly gets up from the ground and walks into his tiny kitchen. Taking out a pot, he poured some water inside, and started to boil it. His phone then started to ring, and Jungkook rushed over to answer it.

"Hello?" He answered it hoarsely. "it's Jimin. Boss says that your schedule is changed to 11p.m.," a friend of Jungkook spoke. "Oh yeah? I guess then," Jungkook blabbed, as he was sounding very tired.

"Kookie, are you okay?" asks, concerned about his friend. "I'm fine, I just woke up from a nap. I'll see you later," Jungkook answered, and then ended the conversation.

Jungkook popped ramen noodles inside the boiling water, and threw away the square plastic bag. He stirred the noodles around a couple times until it separated apart, and then poured in the seasoning.

"Noodles again," Jungkook quietly muttered to himself.

When the noodles got done cooking, Jungkook poured them freshly into a bowl, and walked into his empty living room. He switched on the tiny squared television, as he flipped through the channels.

He sighed, and slurped his noodles, as he turned to look at the calendar he had marked earlier this morning.

"Jae In-ah..."

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