👑Chapter 12: Y/N's House👑

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Garroth's POV:
After we were done eating we went to the swings. I asked for some more information about her. She said," I had a boyfriend in 7th grade. We only dated for a week. I broke up with him, after the brake up he disappeared, she didn't know where he went. I broke up with him because he was being mean to Zoey and he hit on other girls. I just didn't like him." I said," Wow." Then she said that she didn't date anyone else after that. At least she only dated one person. What if I can date her? I don't know if she likes me or not. I smirked at her and said," I hope I can change that." She blushed and said," Hm." Hm. That is all I get!

There was silence for a little while and then I said," I have to show you something." I stood up and Y/N followed me. We walked up to the top of the hill and she saw the sun set. We both sit down and it was silent for a while. She broke the silence and said," Wow. This is beautiful." I star to rap my arm around her shoulder and she lays her head on my shoulder. We were there for awhile and then it started to rain. We get up real quickly and run to the car.

We get inside and I see that Y/N was cold, so I give her my jacket and I start the car and I ask her if she wanted me to take her home. She said yes, so I drive her home. About 10-15 minutes later we are at the front of her house. She says," I had a great time. I hope we do this again." I say," Me too." We look into each others eyes and then we lean in and then..................


Y/N's POV:

We lean in and then Laurance opens my door and he screams," WHAT ARE YOU GUYS DOING?!" Garroth and I both scream. Laurance says with a smirk on his face," Were you guys about to kiss?" Garroth and I say in unison," NO! He says," It looked like you guys were."  I say as I get out of the car," I have to go. Bye Garroth. Bye Laurance." I walk into the house and my mom says," Who were you in that car with?" I said,"It was my boyfriend." I like to mess with my mom. Every time I am with a boy or talking to them I tell her that they are my boyfriend. My mom says," Y/N M/N L/N." I say," I am joking. He is my friend, Garroth." I hope Garroth becomes more than a friend. My mom says," Ok. Good. I was just wondering." I go up stairs to my room and start texting Zoey.

Z: Zoey
Y: You

Y: Hey
Z: How was ur date with Garroth?
Y: It was pretty good. What did u do?
Z: I just watched TV.
Y: That sounds fun. *sarcasm
Z: Ha ha ha 🙄
Y: Have u text Em yet?
Z: Yeah. Why?
Y: I just wanted to know. What did u guys talk about?
Z: We just talked about how Garroth asked Em about u.
Y: Garroth told me that he asked Em some info about me
Z: Yeah. I have to go. ttyl
Y: K. Bye. ttyl

~End of call~

After I was done texting Zoey I decided to text Emily.

E: Emily

Y: Hey
E: Hey. Whats up?
Y: Nothing really. U?
E: Nothing much. How was you date with Garroth?
Y: Why is everyone keep asking me that? 🙄
E: It is ur first date ever sense *clears throat* him.
E: I know. I have to go. ttyl
Y: ttyl

Laurance's POV:
After I helped Cadenza with her homework, I went upstairs to my bedroom and get on my phone. I didn't have any notifications so I decided to play Neko Atsume. My favorite cat is Tubbs. I didn't see Tubbs but I did see a white cat name Snowball. I was bored and I wanted to go on a walk, so I checked out my window and it was still raining so I decided to watch Netflix.

I went downstairs and watched Anime for an hour or two. I looked outside and it wasn't raining so I decided to go for a walk. It was still cold from the rain so I put on a coat, it was wet outside so I put on my rain boots. After I was done putting my jacket and boot on I tell Cadenza," I am going for a walk." She says," Okay.Bye."

I go outside and put my earbuds in my phone and I put on Lean and Dab." About 3 minutes later, I pass Y/N's house I see Garroth's car. I was thinking that Garroth was dropping off Y/N.

I decided to scare them. I snuck up to the car went to the passenger side of the car, I look in the window and I see Y/N and Garroth leaning in closer to each other. Are they going to kiss? No, it is Garroth he would never do that. This is a perfect time to scare them.

I open the door and scream," WHAT ARE YOU GUYS DOING?" They both scream and they looked really mad at me. I smirked at them and said," Were you guys about to kiss?" They both said in unison," NO!" After I scared them we talked for awhile. After the talk Y/N said," I have to go. Bye Garroth. Bye Laurance." She got out of the car and I got in the passenger seat. I said," How was your date with Y/N?" He said," It was ---- Wait. How did you know that I went on a date with Y/N?!" I said," You posted on your Instagram a picture of you and Y/N and it was saying, Going on a date with the most beautiful girl in the world." He said," Oh. I forgot." I said," So. How was your date?" He said," It was pretty good." I said," What did you guys do?" He said," Well first, when you left we went to my car and I told her to put the blindfold on. Second, I drove there. Third, We got out of the car and told her to take off her blindfold. She was really suprised. I had a table with candles and her favorite meal. After we were done eating we went to the swings and I asked if she would tell more stuff about her and she did. After she was done talking about herself we went to the top of the hill and watched the sunset. Then it started to rain so we ran to the car and got inside. She wanted to go home so I drive her home. We were about to kiss, but then YOU disturbed us." I said," I am so SORRY. I didn't know that you guys were about to kiss." He said," Its okay. What happened to you helping Cadenza with her homework?" I said," We are done. But she had a couple of problems left and she said she should do the rest by herself, so I just went to my room and got on my phone and I didn't have any notifications so I played a couple of games and ten I got bored, so I decided to watch anime. , then after one episode of Attack on Titan I got bored. I was thinking about going outside but it was still raining so I decided to watch one more episode. I watched a episode then I looked outside and it stopped raining so I but on my rain boots and my jacket and I went on a walk. I saw your car parked in front of Y/N house so I looked in the car and I saw you and Y/N leaning in so I decided to scare you guys. I scared you guys and now we are here." He said," You knew that Y/N and I were going to kiss so you decided to scare us. REALLY!" He is really mad at me. He leaned back in his seat and he said," I am going inside to talk to her." I said leaning the seat back," Go ahead, I will be in here." He gets out of the car and knocks on Y/N's door. Y/N answers the door, he goes inside and I don't see him anymore and I feel asleep.

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