👑Chapter 13: Inside Y/N's House👑

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Garroth's POV:
I was telling Laurance how our date went. After I was done talking to Laurance I thought about some stuff," If I just kissed her, we would be together. I wish Laurance didn't scare us. You know what I am going to go in there and tell her about my feelings." I grab my jacket from the backseat and Laurance sees me grabbing my jacket so he says," What are you doing?" I say as I am putting my jacket on," I am going to talk to Y/N for a minute. I will be right back." I got out of the car and I was about to shut the door, but I heard Laurance say," Okay. I will be right here." I shut the door and go to the front door. I hesitate and think to myself," What do I say? What do I do?" I knocked on the door and about 30 seconds later a women, I think it was Y/N's mom, answered the door and said, "Who are you?" I said," I am Garroth Ro'meave. I am here for Y/N." She says," Oh. Come on in. She will be down in a minute." I walk inside and sit on the couch. Y/N's mom screams for her to come downstairs. Y/N says walking down the stair," What is it mo-"

After I was done texting Emily, I hear the knock on the door. I knew my mom would answer the door, so I just didn't answer it. About a minute later my mom calls me downstairs. I say as I am walking down the stairs," What is it mo-." I see Garroth sitting on the couch and I say," Hey Garroth. What are you doing here?" He say," I came to talk to you." I say looking at my mom," Mom. Can I talk to you, in private?" She walks with me to the garage. She says in her sweet voice like she did nothing wrong,"What is wrong sweetie?" I say annoyed," Why did you let him in?!" She says,"He said he was one of the Ro'meave's so I had to let him in." I said," Why do you care that he is a Ro'meave?" She said," I heard that they're family is very smart and sweet. I want my daughter to date a guy like that." I said," Mom. Really." I roll my eyes and say," Lets go. I have to go talk to him." We go to the living room and tell him," Lets go to my room." We go upstairs.

Y/N's Mom POV: (I bet you never saw that coming.)
I was watching TV, when I heard a knock on the door. I opened the door and it was a boy with dirty blonde hair and baby blue eyes. I said," Who are you?" He said," I am Garroth Ro'meave. I am here for Y/N." Wait he is a Ro'meave. I CANT BELIEVE IT! I said," Come on in. She will be down in a minute." He walks in and sits on the couch. I call for Y/N. She says," What is it mo-." I wanted my daughter to date a guy that is sweet and loving. He is the perfect guy for her. She asks me to talk to her alone. We walk to the garage and we talk about why I let him in and how he would be the perfect man to date. She is really mad at me for letting him in. After we were done talking we walk out of the garage and she say to Garroth," Lets go to my room." They both walk upstairs and I start watching TV again.

Garroth and I went into my room. I said as I closed the door," What did you want to talk about?" He said," I wanted to know if you have feelings for me?" I said suprised," W-what d-do y-you m-m-mean?" He said getting closer to me," I just wanted to know if you would want to be more than friends." I said," Like best friends." He said while he was right in front of my face," No. More than best friends. Like boyfriend and girlfriend." I said suprised," IdontknowifIwanttobemorethanfriends. Wejustmeetaboutmorethanaweekago,butIdolikeyouitsjust-..." He kissed me and of corse I kissed him back. We stayed there that felt like for an hour. We let go for air and he said," So, do you want to be my girlfriend?" I said," Y-Yes." We kissed again and then he said walking out," See you at school." He winked at me. When I heard the front door close, I fangirled and started to text Zoey and Emily in a group chat.

Z: Zoey
E: Emily

Z: What?
E: What is it?
Y: Garroth asked me out!!!! ☺️🤗
Z: Really!!!
E: What did u say?
Y: Of course I said yes
E: That is amazing!!!
Y: I have to go. ttyl 👋
Z: Bye. ttyl
E: Ttyl

Garroth's POV:
Y/N went to talk to her mom for about 5 minutes. They came out and Y/N and I went upstairs to her room. Her room had F/C wallpaper, F/C bedsheets, and had poster hanging on her wall. We went in there and she said has she was closing the door," What did you want to talk about?" I said standing by her bed," I wanted to know if you have feelings for me?" She said studdering," What do you mean?" (I was being lazy. So I didn't want to put the stutter punctuations.) I said getting closer to her," I wanted to know if you wanted to be more than friends." She said," Like best friends?" I said really close to her," No. Like boyfriend and girlfriend." She was saying all this jibber jabber that I couldn't hear so I just went up and kissed her. She kissed me back and we let go to get some air. Dang air. I said," Would you like to be my girlfriend?" She said," Y-yes." We kissed again and I went to the door and opened it and said," See you at school." I winked at her.

~Time skip to when Garroth gets to his house brought to you by Senpai.~ ( Still Garroth's POV.)

I didn't tell Laurance that Y/N and I were dating so when I got home I decided to text him.

L: Laurance
G: Garroth

G: I forgot to tell you something.
L: What is it?
G: Y/N and I are dating!!!!!
L: REALLY!!! Congrats!!!
G: Thx. When are you going to get a gf?😝
L: Ha ha ha. So funny 🙄
G: I'm joking. Ttyl
L: Ttyl


Hey guys Basia here. I hope you guys liked this chapter. You and Garroth are together now. I have some stuff planned for you guys. Mmuuuuaaaa!!!!
Anyways, I hope you guys have a great day (or night). Bye readers.

~Aphmau_Reader aka Basiati ❤️💛💙💚💜

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