chapter one

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Chapter One: Sinking Teeth

Audiokinesis is the ability to mentally manipulate sound waves.

The white, endless cloudy sky slowly turned into the pitch black darkness that she craved. She sighed and placed her hand over where her heart would have been.

She pretended for a moment she could feel it pumping blood around her body. She moved her shoulders and hitched her breath like her life depended on it. She knew her soul was long gone, she was a cold monster who craved blood. She was often left confused to why the awkward human Isabella Swan could deeply love her brother. Her species was an abomination to Earth, it was sinful.

She glared up to the stars that had quickly taken over the clear blue sky, she thought about her time as a human. It was as memorable as it could be; good and bad. Her sweet, perfect life had ended when she was bitten and turned into a cold-hearted monster. She didn't know who turned her, still to this day, she cannot remember a single thing. She was dead in every single way. A life was meant to be lived; to enjoy and to laugh. She wanted crimson skies and breath-taking sunsets. She wanted endless nights and starry eyes but she had nothing; nothing except her adopted siblings.

She had become the definition of a deathless death and it was difficult to think about herself becoming anything more. She never imagined having a mate, not after all these years not finding one- she was sure it was too late to start looking.

All her siblings had found their mates, even Edward. Isabella was an awkward human girl who knew nothing about vampires but she soon learned and accepted the full Cullen clan.

Since Bella came into the picture, there had been a lot of danger and Edith had slightly drifted apart from her family. It all started with a baseball game and since then, it had all went downhill.

Of course, she had encountered the Volturi in her early years of being a vampire, however, she never feared them because she was more powerful than all of them combined and that scared the Volturi more than she would ever know. Unfortunately, she had deep history with the Volturi and it haunted her for years.

She heard the door open behind her and she sighed as she knew it was Edward. She looked back to see him standing awkwardly wanting to ask her but he already knew the answer as he was able to read her mind.

"You okay?" He shrugged his shoulders as he shut the door behind him. Edith rolled her eyes and sighed but smiled at his concern for her.

"Do you think I will ever get a chance of happiness?" Edith sighed and closed her eyes tight as Edward sat down beside her on the porch steps and wrapped his arm around her shoulder and held her close.

"I don't know, you do have a mate out there, he's just taking his time.." He whispered and Edith scoffed, if she could cry then the tears would be weeping out off her eyes and down her porcelain cheeks. Instead, the venom clouded her eyes and she blinked it away.

"I'd like to think that I do, maybe God doesn't want me to be happy because of all the bad things I've done. Maybe, I should have ended up with that witch twin after all." Edith sighed and scoffed, hinting at the once brief romance that she had shared with a member of the Volturi.

She looked up at the dark sky.

"Tell me about your encounter with Aro, I'm dying to hear all about it." Edith smirked and Edward started telling her the story again because he knew how much she despised the Volturi and their scheming ways.

Edward and Edith laughed at the subject of Jane and how loyal she was to her master and her makeup skills. Even though she looked innocent, she was vicious and dangerous; both the twins gifts were dangerous and Edith feared Alec's gift the most. He had used it on her plenty of times and she was not fond his powers. Edith could never fear Alec, himself, but his gift was handy against enemies.

"When we were leaving, Aro told me to send his regards to you." Edward cringed and Edith's eyes widened.

"Don't be worried, my gifts aren't that special to him. That's why I was able to leave in the first place." She patted his shoulder and stood up, putting out her hand to her brothers and helping him up.

"No, you were able to leave the Volturi because you could have killed Aro and his guard in one scream. Aro is scared of you that's why he won't threaten you because the only way he will have you is if you want to join. Your gift is something else; audiokinesis is badass, Edith." Edward laughed loudly at her lies.

"Yeah, I get to roam free on Earth because I, once, was a Volturi groupie." Edith patted his shoulder as she entered the house.

They ended up in the living room with most of the family, chatter consumed the room as graduation became topic which Edith loved.

"I wish I was doing the graduation speech, I would have nailed it." She played with her fingers as Jasper had confusion on his face.

"I thought you were doing it?" Jasper walked closer to Alice and bumped her hip.

"No, Jessica insisted she would do it so I'm just going to let her have it." Edith stated and sighed slightly.

"Yeah like you haven't made a speech in all your years of living, Edith." Emmet scoffed.

Edith just looked at Emmet with mock hatred and told him to shut up.

"Remember when I said that I would leave after graduation, I've changed my mind. I suppose it would be easier for the Volturi to get me back with them as I can be easily persuaded. " Edith played with her fingers, yet again since it was a nervous habit she had picked up years ago.

She didn't want to leave because she loved them all. Even seeing them all happy, reminded what she didn't have and it saddened her to the point where she was slowly becoming depressed and isolated but she wanted to have her family and remind herself that there was more to live.

"Edith, you are one of a kind and I would hate to see you leave." Emmet said as he hugged her.

Her family knew of her thoughts, the thoughts about her mate. They often worried for her, after Bella had turned into a vampire, they had planned to move elsewhere and let Edith discover the world in this day and age instead of hiding in a dull, small town that was known as Forks.

They all knew she wanted more, she wanted to make herself forget that she didn't have her soulmate.

Esme and Carlisle tried to make her forget about being mateless by buying her things to take her mind off the situation; it worked for a while but no amount of shoes or clothes would change the fact that she was lonely.

"I just want more, I love you all and I will always be your family. Staying here just reminds me of what I don't have and it's killing me but I can't live without you. I need Emmet's laughs and Alice's fashion sense. So, to hell with it, I cancelled my flight." She tilted her head, waiting for her family to respond.

Carlisle smiled and enveloped her in a hug and she clung onto him because, to her, he was her father and always would be.

"Thank god you aren't leaving, I couldn't deal without my sister being there." Rosalie nodded and Edith smiled innocently as Edward laughed.

"Yeah, at least I can still kick your ass." Emmet scoffed and Edith told him to shut up, playfully.

If Edith could cry, she would have cried with joy and sadness but it was okay, Edith would be okay in the end.

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