Chapter twenty three

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Chapter Twenty Three: Changing for Worse

The next couple of days were hectic for Edith, she was debating leaving her family behind, running away until the storm had passed

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The next couple of days were hectic for Edith, she was debating leaving her family behind, running away until the storm had passed. She had packed her bags. She never viewed herself as a coward, until now. If the Volturi got her, they would find out she was mated with a werewolf and that would put the pack in danger.

She quickly unpacked her bags, swearing under her breath as she realised what she was doing, she couldn't turn her back on her family.
As she stepped out of her room, the pack consisting of Jacob, Jared, Seth, Paul, Quil and Embry all stood in the livingroom of the Cullens house.

Never did she expect to see the pack again nor Embry, it was crazy seeing him for the first time in a few months. He looked hellish but he was still healthy which was a plus.

"You can't be serious, you let them in. To fight the Volturi, Carlisle are you insane?" She shouted at her adoptive father.

"We are fighting to save Ness." Jacob growled.

"Not to mention, keep the Volturi away from town." Paul added.

"They are going to kill you all, they are the most powerful coven in the world. You think a couple of werewolves are going to stop them. They don't care about witnesses, they care about ending our coven. If they see that we are allies with wolves, they are still going to kill us." She ranted, looking at Embry.

"Edith stop, we will be okay." He said, finally silencing her, she wasn't ready to hear his voice yet, no.

"I once asked you to kill me. You refused but by standing with us. You are automatically killing me." She begged Embry to see sense, to stay away, yet again but they wouldn't listen.

"You may not be my girlfriend but I will still stand by your side, if you die, I will die right beside you because you are my imprint and I cannot live without my soulmate." He blurted out, his voice was raised at the thought of Edith dying. He couldn't handle it, he would die emotionally and mentally if anything were to happen to her.

"You escaped the Volturi once, you can do it again. I know deep down that you are more powerful than the Volturi. That's why they let you go because they were scared of you. You have never been scared of them, why start now?" Edward asked, standing next to Jasper.

"It's not just my life on the line, it's my families." She admitted.

The pack understood that but they wouldn't back down from a fight, especially with vampires. Suddenly, they heard the mumbling chatter of all eighteen vampires upstairs, in the study was enough to make her groan.

"Shall we, our guests are waiting for us. Don't worry, they know about the pack." Carlisle said as they all started to climb the stairs.

Their were covens from all around the world; a few she had met in her lifetime and a few who were strangers. All she knew that their were a lot of red eyes.

"Hello, Edith. Lovely to see you again." A familiar, strange soft voice called out to the girl with the angry expression which slowly curved into a smirk.

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