Chapter twenty eight

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Chapter Twenty Eight: No Second Chances

She walked into the court that she had knew so well, She had grown up here, made friends and family. She had suffered here, watched mass murderings, watched the ones who she loved, turn against her.

She had her head held high as her walk echoed through the marble, empty court room. It was such an elegant room for killing sprees but she couldn't complain because she used to ravish in their blood. Nicholas had his hand sliding down the small of her back and he kept it there; she snuggled into him as she rolled her eyes, he breathed her in and smirk at the sight of her; embracing him the way he was.

She passed the familiar grand wooden entrance and clocked eyes with an ancient friend and master once upon a time. The three leaders were sitting on the thrones like the kings they were and Aro lit up like he had just opened his Christmas present. He couldn't believe that she was here, after hundreds of years trying to get her back because she was talented, very talented.

"My sweet, Edith. My treasured child. You have returned." He stood up and Caius smiled along side Aro. Aro walked closer towards the two vampires and gave a slight nod towards Nicholas. Edith looked at the given exchange and caught on. They had gave him a second chance for betraying them along time ago and Edith was a peace offering.

Aro took her hand and she knew what he was doing; he was reading every thought of hers, her life story, finding out what she had been up to. He found out that she had a mate. A werewolf mate.

He looked astonished, a vampire and a werewolf, who could believe such a messy, disgraceful thing but Aro did, because Edith was his most prized child; far more superior to the twins; Jane and Alec.

"You have been busy. Poor child, you have no luck in romance do you, my sweet Edith." Aro said, not out of anger but with surprise.

"Leave him out of this, I'm here now, aren't I?" She asked, already knowing the answer.

Nicholas smiled sweetly because he was scared of the Volturi but he wasn't scared of his Edith. He had redeemed himself with the Volturi and would certainly be rewarded with the gift of Edith as his present.

"I hope all is forgiven, Aro." Nicholas muttered and Aro slowly nodded, he would keep a watch on the man but Aro didn't care in the slightest.

He had what he wanted right here, in Italy.

Edith scoffed in disgust. She walked away from Nicholas and sharply turned around with her eyes brighter than before.

"The Volturi doesn't give second chances and you god damn know that I don't."

She grabbed ahold of his head, jumped up onto him and ripped his head from his body; she decapitated him. His head rolled onto the marble and he was dead. She smirked slightly and sighed, adjusting her head of hair, flicking her hair back away from her face and licked her lips in satisfaction.

Aro couldn't believe, but he was proud, his child was back and he couldn't be happier.

"Oh, she's back alright." Alec muttered under his breath as him along with the rest of the guard had entered the courtroom at the exact moment that Edith had killed Nicholas.

He couldn't believe that she was here after all these years of hating the Volturi.

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