Chapter nineteen

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Chapter Nineteen: Truth

Edith stood still for a moment as she slowly took in the fresh, cold air and looked around her to see the beautiful forest in darkness with the moonlight creeping through the trees. Edith had always wanted something more and she thought she had found it.

They way he understood her, worshipped the ground she walked on. They way he made effort with her family and tried to understand her diet. The way his eyes lit up when he spoke about his mother. The way, he held her hand, kissed her forehead and loved her.

She revealed things to him that only she would know; she trusted him with her life but now, she would never trust him again.

She stood listening to the small creatures that blessed her hearing, she loved nature and the world. Sometimes she wished that she would truly appreciate it like she did when she was a young child with a death date but now, she knew that she would wake up everyday, even when the sun is falling and the sky is no more, she would outlive the end of the world.

Standing in the forest, thinking of the one thing that mattered to her, she was unaware what was happening around her, the fact that Jacob, Seth and Leah were distracting the pack, that her family were hunting while Edward and Rosalie were looking after Bella until they came back. She was in her own little bubble, if she listened carefully she could have heard the conversation of the wolves.

"This isn't your territory anymore. How's the new family working out?" Paul sneered as he looked at the three lone wolves, forming a pack.

"You done?" Jacob rolled his eyes.

"You coming home, Jake?" Quil raised an eyebrow and Jacob shook his head.

"Not until I finish this."

"What do you mean?" Paul looked confused, after all, they were family. They were brothers.

"I want Sam to take back Leah and Seth." Jacob ordered and Leah and Seth quickly disagreed.

"I want them safe. And I want this over. I need Sam to wait until Bella's been separated from the problem." Jacob eased the conversation.

"You mean till she's dead." Paul snapped.

"Ease up, Paul." Embry scoffed and from a far, he caught Edith's sent but luckily the others didn't, he wasn't about to let on.

"Tell Sam that when the moment comes, I'll be the one to destroy it." Jacob reasoned.

The rest of the pack caught sent of the Cullen's and they all realised that Jacob had tricked them. Jacob, Seth and Leah ran until they got back on Cullen's territory but Edith was still admiring the deer that had been blessed her way.

She slowly creeped forward, hiding behind a rock as she awaited her moment of attack. Suddenly, she let her mind take over to relive passionate memories; she unwinded her soul and let the monster inside of her take control.

She leaped up and caught the deer between her hands and quickly broke its bone so it couldn't move away; she hated it but she had to survive. She needed to feed.

She dug her teeth into the deers neck and let out a sigh of relief and ecstasy. She couldn't stop, the pleasure of blood was too much and she was in pure heaven. She didn't even realise the black shadow figure standing in front of her body.

"Edith?" A soft angel voice brought her out of her pleasure. She slowly looked up to meet her apparent mate. What a tragic way to end a beautiful drug haze.

She stood up, dropping the deer lifelessly on the ground with a thud and stared into his soul as he watched the blood dripping down her chin and on her shirt, "are you here to kill me?"

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She stood up, dropping the deer lifelessly on the ground with a thud and stared into his soul as he watched the blood dripping down her chin and on her shirt, "are you here to kill me?"

She choked, he had never seen her hunt, never seen her kill anything and here he was watching her as she had done the most murderous thing. He didn't want to kill her, he wanted to apologise and beg for her forgiveness.

"Edith, I would never kill you. Please, I'm begging you-"

He slowly moved closer to her and she slowly wiped the blood away from her chin and mouth with the sleeve of her shirt and she cringed at her actions.

"Sam's going to attack tonight, stay away from the fight. I can't lose you." He sighed and he inhaled her sweet scent, he would have dropped to his knees for her and cry for her to take him back.

She raised an eyebrow.

"You've already lost me." She finally admitted to herself rather than him, she never though that once again she would be made a fool but here she was, standing in front of Embry, like a fool. She had promised herself that she would never put herself in this position.


"No, Embry. You are not mine and I am not yours. If you want to end me, do it now. Kill me." She whispered, knowing he would hear her. Embry was taken aback with her statement, never would he think those words would come out of her mouth but they did.

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