chapter seven

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Chapter Seven: Treaty

"What do you want?" The young man, she had learned was called Paul, sneered at the cold vampire and she sneered back.

Embry gave Paul a low growl to tell him to watch it. Sam and the rest of the pack listened to Edith's proposal.

"When a shape-shifter imprints on a specific person, he becomes unconditionally bound to them for the rest of his life. Right?" Edith stated and asked Sam for approval.

Sam nodded and Edith smiled and carried on.

"And in normal circumstances, the imprintee would basically join the pack and be allowed on your territory, right?" Edith asked and Sam, yet again, agreed. Embry could see what she was doing and let out a light laugh.

She was making an effort, it surprised him.

"However, I understand your hatred for my kind. I suppose I came to ask for your permission to break the treaty for me. Nobody else in my family."

"How do we know you aren't a danger?" Paul asked.

"Do you think I had intentions of being an imprintee of a wolf? Never in my thousands of years. You have all seen what I can do but I'm not dangerous to my mate or his family. We made a treaty with your ancestors because we wanted peace. As much as I hate werewolves, the universe has a crazy way of showing that I'm made for Embry. You can understand that it's starting to become a little difficult to stay away from him because of the bond." She softly said, admitting she felt the imprint pull.

She stood awkwardly as Sam looked towards the pack and silently gave in. He knew about the imprint bond because he had once stayed away from his mate and it nearly killed him.

"Don't make me regret this, Cullen." Sam nodded and Leah, the only woman shifter and Paul looked in disgust at the vampire.

"You can come back to Emily's if you want, right Sam?" Embry asked for permission, deciding to take full advantage of Edith being allow on their territory.

Arriving at Emily's was an adventure, she had no idea where she was. A young woman slowly walked out of the house to be greeted by Sam, kissing every inch of her face and they giggled; this wasn't the Sam that she had seen. He was different around her and it was soothing to Edith. He actually wasn't always the big bad wolf.

The right side of Emily's face was scarred from her hairline to her chin by three thick, red lines, they were still vivid in color though they looked like they were long healed. One line pulled down the corner of her dark, almond-shaped right eye, another twisted the right side of her mouth into a permanent grimace. She was very beautiful, even with the scars. She had glossy black hair and satiny copper skin, as well as a melodic voice and Edith had found out when she greeted Sam.

Emily looked towards Edith and smiled brightly, "You must be Edith, I've heard so much about the pale face imprintee. It's so refreshing having another face around here." She walked towards her and hugged her that surprised Edith but she hugged her back and she felt welcomed by her. She had never felt welcomed before and this was a nice feeling.

Edith gave her a bright smile and Emily continued.

"Vampires don't count." Paul scoffed as he walked into the house to grab a muffin and sat down. Embry glared at the older boy who wasn't as pleased for Edith to be here.

Edith felt a jab to her heart with that comment but quickly understood, though her eyes were getting classy with the venom gathering up.

"Don't listen to him, Edith, he's just in a mood with all the newborn stuff happening."

She slightly felt at ease, with the soothing tone of her mate calling out for her to come inside the house. She stopped at the doorframe, not knowing her place, she really didn't want to intrude but Emily told her that she was being silly. Embry was already sitting down next to Jared.

She sat down between Embry and a younger boy, who was later introduced as Seth

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She sat down between Embry and a younger boy, who was later introduced as Seth.

"So, Edith, you're a vampire? What's that like?" Seth asked her, eating one of Emily's cookies that she had made earlier. She could see that he didn't judge her just as much as the others; he was a playful and curious soul.

"I guess I never really think about it. It has its moments, it's all about who you surround yourself with. However, I was blessed with immortality."

Seth was amazed, he wanted to find out more and she adored him for that, Seth didn't treat her differently.

"You think it's a blessing?" The girl, Leah piped up, scoffing to herself.

"I can't constantly complain about my life, even though I have been known for it in the past. You either have to think of it as being a blessing or what's the point. I stopped feeding on humans a while ago and I've redeemed myself since, just because I'm a vampire doesn't mean I'm a terrible being. I didn't get the choice to be a human. I should have died a long time ago but I didn't." She shrugged, nonchalantly at a few judging her but she didn't mind, they were natural enemies.

"So what, is Embry just to accept that your dead and that's it." Paul questioned.

"Paul, she isn't fucking dead. Watch what you say." Embry stood up, heavily breathing. He was getting angry at his brothers for being disrespectful. They never had an imprint who was different, who was an enemy so they didn't understand. He felt crazy about Edith, wanting to know every little detail about her and he would-

In time.

All it took was time for them to learn about each other and fully accept each other with open arms.

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