chapter sixteen

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Chapter Sixteen: Birds and Babies

Edith didn't know how to process what had happened a couple of minutes ago, a female had answered Embry's phone.


"Who's this?" Edith asked as she raised her eyebrow.

"It's Olivia, who's this? Do you want me to get Em for you?" The squeaky innocent voice answered and Edith gripped her phone tighter.

"Edith, Embry's girlfriend." Edith spat and she heard a gasp on the other side, "oh, I didn't know he had a girlfriend."

Edith had gripped her phone so hard that it smashed in between her hand.

She was frozen in place with shock, she had been wondering outside in the garden for over an hour when it clicked.

She drove to the pack house, speeding down the road with her fists clenching the wheel tightly. She was distraught but this was her own doing, she had forced him in the arms of another woman. Her soul was crushed.

When she entered the pack house, nobody was there except from Emily as she was surprised to see her, "Where's Embry?"

"He's with a pack." Emily answered and Edith sat down. She told her that she would wait on him and Emily tried to make conversation but Edith was not in the mood to talk, she wanted to breakdown and cry but she couldn't even do that. She was in the mood for Embry to come here and explain himself, she didn't want to lose control.

"Has Sam told you about an Olivia, Emily?" She finally spoke up, her brain working overtime, wondering who that girl was.

"You know Edith, I think you should wait for Embry to come." Emily silently felt sorry for the vampire who didn't have a clue.

Edith knew she shouldn't have ignored him but who could blame her, if she did, she would have eventually blabbed to him and she couldn't have that.

She had to protect Bella and the baby.

At the time, she thought she had done the right thing but this morning had proved another wise, Embry had found someone else; he had moved on from Edith and it killed her, her chest was aching and her emotions were high.  She didn't know what to do.

Hours had passed and the pack weren't back, Edith was planning on her head what she was going to say to Embry, she had planned out perfectly what she was going to do; she was going to be calm and apologise for ignoring him and she would give him a chance to explain. Maybe she was overreacting but in her mind, she wasn't.

The pack finally came in, Sam looked angry in her direction but quickly lightened up when he saw Emily, they kissed and she placed cooking on the dining table. Jared and Quil sat down and looked at Edith with disappointment.

Then Embry came in and his face lit up with guilt as soon as he saw her.


She got out of her chair and was going to apologise but then, instead of doing the rational thing, she done the complete opposite. She slapped his beautiful olive skin and didn't regret it. The pack didn't expect it but Paul and Jared did and he rubbed his jaw.

"Does Olivia ring any bells?" She sneered at him as he gulped.

"Edith, baby-" He started to say as he stepped closer but she quickly interrupted him.

"Don't you dare." Edith said as she whimpered.

"So Edith, we hear there is going to be a vampire baby? Huh?" Jared said and Edith snapped her head back to Jared, "leave it out."

"It's unnatural."



"An abomination."

"We have to protect the tribe. What they've bred won't be able to control its thirst. Every human will be in danger. We're ready." Sam said in Edith's direction and she shook her head, "no."

"What do you mean no?" Sam raised his eyebrow.

"They are my family and it's just a baby." She growled at the Alpha.

"We must destroy it before it's born." Sam said and Edith stood forward ready to attack her friend. She would not allow him to hurt the baby or Bella. She would kill before they hurt the baby. She was ready to claw his face when Embry touched her shoulder and she growled at him,

"Don't fucking touch me."

Sam was planning to attack tonight and Edith was struggling to stand her ground, they couldn't hurt her; she knew that but she was outnumbered; very outnumbered. However, she didn't know where she stood with Wmbry anymore so maybe they would attack her and kill her. Sam warned her that she had ten minutes of their territory before he started a fight and he said that it wouldn't be pretty, he was angry, that was all.

"Touch the baby and you're dead." She glared at the boys and turned to Embry.

"We'll talk about this later." She stomped outside the house with Embry fresh on her trail. He was shouting to her to make her stop, she got to the end of their territory and stopped.

"What, Embry?"

"It didn't mean to happen like that, I swear it to you." He almost whispered as he rubbed the back of his neck and Edith found herself finally defeated. She let out a small sound of sadness.

"You weren't talking to me, a whole month you didn't speak to me and when you did, you pushed me away. She was there."

Edith blinked. Embry had done the worst thing possible, he had betrayed their love in the worst way possible. He had touched another woman's body, he had been intimate with another body and she found herself feeling as though she was going to break into a thousand pieces.

"I pushed you away because - listen, I love you, Embry. I didn't know how to tell you about Bella and her situation. Perhaps, I was wrong. I will take this in my stride. I will accept this is my karma."

"Edith, please, it only happened once."

"Once is truly enough."

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