Chapter thirteen

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Chapter Three: Sobbing Mess

Edith was in her room, and had been since Jacob had lashed out at her. She had heard Edward and Bella going off to the airport and the house was empty, thanks to Alice and the family but there was no celebration happening since she was upset. She found herself in her elegant gown on the edge of her bed, sulking over what Jacob had said to her. It was uncalled for.

A picture of her and Embry decorated her side cabinet next to her clock; it was a picture of Edith laughing and Embry kissing her cheek; she loved that picture with all her heart but something inside her told her that she wasn't worth it anymore; she picked up the picture and threw it against the wall, next to the door.

Jacob was right, she should have stayed dead when she was turned; she should have just let the vampire who turned her, bleed her dry instead he turned her into a vampire and left her to fend for herself.  Embry would leave her eventually, tired of her not being able to do normal things; she didn't want to accept it but it would happen.

She was a monster, she had killed people before, names she didn't know and didn't care and if she had the chance to do it again, she would jump at the chance to feel warm blood. It consumed her whole being and Edith didn't want Embry to resent her.

Hours had passed and she was still lonely, sitting on her floor with nothing on except her underwear when she heard her name being called, it was Embry.  He trudged up the stairs, quietly shouting on his girlfriend but she didn't answer back; she was too tired to do anything. She sat there, awaiting his breakup speech about how Jacob put sense into his head

He came into her room and instantly saw the mess she was in, "Edith?"

She just looked up at him,a small scowl stained her face.

"Jake was right, I should have stayed dead, I should have never cheated death with a monstrous excuse of a human." She held his hand and Embry's face lit up with anger.

"You belong here, on Earth, with me, vampire or no vampire." Embry hushed her as he slowly lifted her up and into his arms bridal style as he placed her on her own bed and she scoffed.

"I love you." He whispered staring down at her form, she was all that he wanted; needed. Her soul would forever be intertwined with his and that was a beauty sight to see.

"I love you Em, more than life itself." She smiled shyly.

With one bold move, she slowly removed her panties and Embry stared with wide eyes, begging to see more, he was almost panting at the sight in front of him. He had moved to the bottom of the bed, one knee propping up his standing figure as he started to undo his cuff links and threw them down onto the floor, whilst he began to unbutton his dress shirt that he still had on from the wedding, she decided to give into his stare.

She spread her legs wide open so he could see her pretty pussy begging to be touched. His dress shirt ended up on the floor too, she could see him breathing wildly, wanting a taste of what she had to offer him. He wanted more than a taste, he needed to devour her, he needed to breathe in her scent. He needed a feast.

"Come here baby, I need your tongue."

In one quick movement, he was in between her thighs, licking and sucking her sweet little bud as she moaned out. His hands gripped the bottom of her thighs as he held them tighter to his face, needing to be close as possible.

"Ride my face, ride it." He grunted out as she began moving her pussy against his tongue, he added a finger and soon another, she was a moaning mess.

"I need more, I need all of you. Please." She begged as he pulled away and unbuckled his trousers and pulled them down so he could now fuck her, fuck her so she would forget the world around her. He needed her to feel him, he needed her to realise that she was everything to him.

At his first thrust, she groaned as he pushed the tip in and inch by inch filled her up. As he held onto her knees, she could she his muscles flex which turned her on even more, she was a dripping mess for him.

"Play with your pussy for me, Edith."

EDITH / TwilightWhere stories live. Discover now