chapter nine

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Chapter Nine: Newborn Army

The fight was just about to start, Edith could hear the newborns starting their frenzies because of Bella's scent and blood from miles away.

Before Jacob and Edward took her up to the campsite, she had cut her finger and put her blood on some barks and leaves to make them even crazier; smart girl.

It took Edith with all her might not to snap into a heated bloodlust with the human girl but she tried to be strong for her family.

Edith was prepared for this, it had been a while since she had actually been in a fight. She hated newborns that were created to destroy, it was a waste of life.

She mentally prayed to God to keep Embry okay and she felt okay; at ease even, she just had to keep a close eye on him whilst fighting the newborns. The newborns were close and she got ready in her fighting stance, she fucking loved this back in the day. Edith looked quickly to Alice and she nodded and then she realised that it was actually happening.

The first lot a newborns came out and then another; they had split up as a tactic but as soon as the Wolves came out from behind a large rock; the newborns were confused but they still fought, the didn't even know that werewolves existed so it was enough to throw them off for a second or two.

The first lot a newborns came out and then another; they had split up as a tactic but as soon as the Wolves came out from behind a large rock; the newborns were confused but they still fought, the didn't even know that werewolves existed so it was...

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Suddenly, Edith jerked forward and detached an arm of one of the newborns, causing them to lose focus for a couple of seconds. She beheaded him and he screamed out in agony of his missing limb, quickly holding his forehead and jaw.

The man fell to the ground and another decided to jump on her back, she couldn't get him but Jasper ripped her off Edith and smashed her hand against her head, this caused the newborn vampire to fall onto the floor; her icy body still crumbling. Edith carried on, still looking to see how Embry was getting on. There was one heading for him so Edith quickly intervened and slide across the grass, hitting the mans legs causing his legs to smash and then, she smashed his head in with her foot.

She was loosing focus on the fight but she had to make sure her soulmate was unharmed. Edith was going at a steady pace until she looked around and realised that Esme and Rosalie, Sam and Jared were all in awkward, death positions; Edith couldn't save all of them; probably not even one so she took a deep breath and focused her mind onto the newborns around her.

She focused on her ability as a colour and made it spread out to cover the newborns and then she did the one thing she knew how to, she screamed until her lungs burned.

There were only around six newborns left and four of them instantly stopped with confusion, they started to scream in pain along with Edith. Their skin started to crack as they dropped onto their knees and held their faces. Thankfully, Edith could control who got her frequencies and none of her family caught hurt because of it.

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