chapter eight

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Chapter Eight: Stay

The Cullen's were doing last minute check ups and training before the fight which would take place this afternoon according to Alice's vision and Edith was worried for Embry.

She wouldn't let him get hurt, Embry already meant too much to her, even in the small amount of time they had knew each other. She wouldn't admit it yet to him.

She was in her bedroom fixing her hair into a ponytail when her phone started ringing. She looked across the room to find her phone and it was hiding underneath her bed covers. She quickly looked at the identification and smiled.

"Hey, how's shitty Forks?" Lucy's voice shouted with excitement down the phone.

"It's actually really hectic right now, how's Canada? How's your parents?" Edith grinned into the phone as she held her phone to her ear with her shoulder to use both hands to tie her laces.

"Don't tell me you're applying for colleges! It's great, they are so loved up." Lucy laughed into the phone and suddenly, her mum shouted through the phone.

"Shit, I have to go. I'll text you later. Bye, love you." Lucy rushed and Edith replied with a love you and hung up.

Edith put her jacket on and headed outside to a dull day, once again. Embry had promised to meet her outside of her house at seven o'clock in the morning. She waited a couple of minutes until she heard a motorbike engine coming closer and rough the corner, she noticed her mate on the bike and she waved. He stopped right in front of her and smiled his signature wide grin at her.

"Aren't they dangerous?" She asked him, referring to the motorcycle, he was currently sitting on.

"Edith, do you realise that you are immortal and cannot be killed. Yet, you are scared of a motorbike." Embry laughed at how scared she was of the vehicle.

"Embry, I'm really not sure." Edith laughed, holding her face.

Embry got off the motorbike and walked over to Edith and lifted her up over his shoulder and Edith couldn't hold her giggles in as he started to walk down the road.

"What are you doing?" Edith laughed as she slapped his back making a tune as she enjoyed his playfulness.

Embry lightened up her life in more ways than one and she couldn't wait till this battle was over so she could actually spend all her time with him and get to know him.

"Embry, I will look after you tomorrow, I won't let anything happen to you." Edith stopped her playful move and became serious, literally talking into his back and she was still over his shoulder.

"I can handle myself, plus, I'm the one who is supposed to be telling you that I will protect you. Edith, after all this, I want to take my time to get to know you; I want to understand you."
He slowly put her down and stopped in his tracks. Edith had the urge to kiss him; she wanted to feel his lips on hers and wanted to feel his touch. Edith slowly leaned forward and kissed him on the lips, careful not to leak venom out. It was a difficult process but she was always careful; she couldn't hurt Embry.

Embry held her waist, closing the gap between them and she curled into him and she passionately kissed him back; it was euphoric, she could feel butterflies erupting from her stomach. Her skin was burning from the contact and she couldn't get enough of him, she needed him.

So much for just letting him think they were friends.

Time had passed as the sun slowly came out and she skin started to sparkle, they started to move through the forrest when Embry suddenly stopped her. He had noticed that her skin was different but he couldn't explain it; it was magnificent. A million diamonds catching the light and sparkling like it had no tomorrow.

"Beautiful." He whispered as he held a hand of hers up and watched it sparkle. He then held her face and kissed her again. She never wanted to let him go and if that meant sacrificing herself, she would do it in a heartbeat.

"Let's ditch training and spend the rest of time what's left together until we have to fight like adults." Edith dragged Embry farther into the woods.

"Where are we going?" He asked, innocently.

Edith ran ahead of him and waited for him to catch up, she led him to forest clearing; it was beautiful. The stream created a soothing effect and she sat down on the dewy grass and pulled him down on her and looked him in the eyes.

"If I ask you something, will you answer truthfully?" He asked and she nodded, of course she wouldn't lie to him.

"You said that you wouldn't let another mate die, what did you mean by that?"

"When I was human, I was married. He was my first love and he was so happy and loving. One night a vampire attacked me when I was out on a stroll through my village. He turned me into a vampire and I learned to deal with it myself, I couldn't hide it from Francis, he knew me better than I even knew myself. One night, he was preparing dinner and cut himself with a knife and I couldn't control myself. You know what happened next." She sighed, thinking about her ex-husband. She blinked back the venom thinking of him, the way she killed him would break her heart over and over again.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know- I'm sure he's at peace now. He would have been crazy not to love you." Embry kissed her temple as she snuggled into him.

"Would you mind telling me some stories, I knew he meant a lot to you which means I owe him the world for making you happy." He asked and Edith was shocked, to say the least.

She smiled.


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