chapter ten

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Chapter Ten: Broken Ribs and Promises

Edith stood outside of Billy's house waiting for Carlisle to come out after seeing to Embry, he had been there for a while, Carlisle insisted to Edith that she stayed outside as the sight would be too much for her and she silently agreed. She stood beside Seth and Sam.

She couldn't concentrate because so often, every five minutes, Embry would let out a scream with the pain he was feeling and Edith couldn't think straight, she was so close to barging in and holding him tight but Sam stopped her, she couldn't have Embry stressing.

Seth slowly held her hand to comfort her and she was grateful because she really needed it. It felt that he was the only one who accepted her but she saved some of their lives today so she had earned some respect from the pack.

"He's going to be okay." Quil raised his voice so she could hear and Edith nodded.

"Yeah, we couldn't get rid of him if we tried." Jake laughed and Jared scoffed.

"Edith, that thing you done back at the clearing. That scream, thank you." Paul, slowly spoke since Edith and Paul didn't really get on as he hated vampires; well they all did but everyone was slowly accepting her.

"I thought it was the only way to save all of you, since newborns were attacking you. I knew what I had to do. I hope you don't mind." Edith gave a small smile, looking at Paul and he gave a small smile back.

"Well, it was pretty awesome." Jared said but got interrupted with another of Embry pain stricken scream and she shuddered with the thought of him in there.

"You're a screamer, eh." Jared smirked at Paul and Edith rolled her eyes.

Carlisle came out of the house with a small smile and looked over to Edith and Sam, "The worst is over, he'll be all right. I gave him some morphine but his body temperature will burn it off soon. I'll come back to set up the drip.

"Thank you." Sam said as he stuck his hand out for Carlisle to shake and he did. There was a silent thought of respect and Carlisle smiled.

"He's asking for you." Carlisle informed Edith and she nodded and quickly ran into the house.

She found Jacob's room, that he had been placed in since his mother didn't know of werewolves. It was a small room, with a single bed and not much wardrobe space; it wasn't as messy as she would expect for a young teenagers room and Edith was surprised.

Edith looked to the bed where Embry was lying; sweating like crazy and shaking with a fever.

He had a pained expression on his face but it slowly faded once he looked at her; his eyes showed a kindness that Edith had seen before; the moment they met. His eyes were like a window into his soul. Edith couldn't bare to see him like that. It was like her whole life had been making her strong for that moment; seeing someone she loved fight so hard to make the pain stop. She wanted to make it go away, she needed to.

"You're here." Embry whispered as he shook, the pain not as bad as it had been since the morphine was helping it but Edith could see that it was going to wear off soon.

"Of course I'm here." Edith slowly took a look at his body; bandages covering his right side as the newborn has shattered every bone. She whimpered and he told her to come closer.

"I didn't expect this to happen." He laughed as Edith had time to examine his face, he was covered in sweat. He couldn't believe that he let the newborn get him like that.

"I was supposed to protect you, I should have by your side and I failed." Edith whimpered as she held her forehead to his and he smiled like she was the only person in the world who mattered to him and she actually believed it.

She knew about imprinting and what it consisted of but she wanted to didn't know that she was enough for him but deep down she knew that whatever they had to do, they would get through it and that's all that mattered to her.

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