Chapter twelve

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Chapter Two: First Time Weddings

It was the day of the wedding and Edith was excited; her brother was marrying the girl of his dreams and it made Edith happy. Guests were arriving everywhere and Edith and all the rest of the family were greeting their human and vampire friends.

The Denali coven were here and Edith was blessed with her other family being here. Edith saw Billy Black, Sue Clearwater, Seth and Embry walk into the forest with a smile on their faces.

Embry took one look at Edith, he could have dropped at the sight of her, she was beautiful in her long purple dress matching with the other Cullen's dresses. Since Bella didn't chose a maid of honour or bridesmaids, the siblings wore purple.

Edith walked at a quick pace and greeted them, Sue Clearwater smiled weakly at the vampire and Edith stood awkwardl until Embry grabbed her waist and pulled her in for a kiss.

"You look astonishingly beautiful." He smiled and Billy Black looked in awe at the two lovebirds. If Edith could blush, she would be bright red.

Edith left her boyfriend and Seth alone to greet the kids from school.

"They have got to be related." Eric whispered and Edith looked to where they were looked at; the Denali sisters.

"What a gene pool." Mike said with wide eyes, taking them in.

"Seriously. You've got some drool, there." Jessica said pointed to her lip, mirroring Mike's.

"So, you think Bella's gonna be showing?" Jessica turned to Angela with a smirk.

"Jess, she is not pregnant." Angela laughed at her friend.

"Hey, guys." Edith, approached them. It was obvious that Mike had a crush on Edith but didn't say anything, he just looked at her and Eric nudged him slightly.

Edith and the group got talking until Embry approached Edith and held her waist, surprising her and kissing her shoulder which she automatically smiled and looked up at him, admiring his beautiful face.

"This is my boyfriend, Embry." Edith introduced her love to her friends, kind of.

"I've never seen you before." Jessica noted and looked to Embry, checking out his talent.

"Yeah, I go to school on the reservation, that's why." Embry answering, running his fingers down Edith's spine and up again, making her shiver.

"Well, we better go. Edith. It was nice meeting you all." Embry said, leading Edith away from the group and towards their seats.

"What was that for?" She smiled, already knowing the answer. He did answer and Edith playfully slapped his arm. They sat down next to Seth and Billy.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we are gathered here on this glorious day to witness the union of Edward Cullen and Bella Swan. Please repeat after me." The minister spoke and Edith started getting butterflies in her stomach; this was the start of her brothers live and she was so pleased for him. She held onto Embry's hand and squeezed it gently as the wedding took place.

"I, Edward Cullen. Take you, Bella Swan. To have and to hold. For better or for worse. For richer, for poorer. ln sickness and in health. To love and to cherish. As long as we both shall live." Edward said and Bella repeated not long after.

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