chapter three

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Chapter Three: Scream

Edith loved a good hunt; it made her forget about her past. She was able to block her feelings out while she pushed for a deer but this time, she was completely consumed by thoughts of Francis.

It wasn't often that she found herself thinking about her past lovers, she was never emotionally connected with her past, she always put them to the back of her mind and prayed that she would soon forgot about them and her failures.

Edith had been a mess when she was a newborn; she was emotional, dramatic and thoughtless when it came to her food; apart of the Volturi, she had no emotion for humans and would fed on them. However, when she met Carlisie, she found a new way of living and left the Volturi with him.

Bringing back the past had brought her newborn self back. She was just trying to keep them alive in her mind, just for a little while longer.

She wanted to feel Francis' rough hands caress her cheek as she became breathless.

Alec was perfection and it hurt her to breathe him in for too long but she was intoxicated. She didn't understand how these feelings were coming back to her and destroying her; she has accepted his death years ago.

She needed to relive to moments of Nicholas, even god damn Nick. He was an absolute firecracker in her mind, he was as reckless as Edith was and she made him just like her - her worst days.

Running back to the house with blood all over her shirt and hands, she couldn't concentrate at all and she was all over the place, her hearing was heightened more than usual and the sunlight breaking through the trees was brighter than usual.

She was loosing control.

Esme was standing outside by the porch with Isabella and Alice talking about the party tonight and Alice was bouncing around with excitement until she saw Edith. Both Alice and Esme's faces dropped with the sight of Edith with her hand on her face trying to block out the sunlight getting the blood onto her forehead and she was staggering slightly with thoughts of her past lovers racing through her mind.

She could feel herself slowly breaking down the walls that she has built over the years to prevent so much emotion overflowing.

"Alice, get Edward to take Bella home and send Emmet and Jasper here, now." She walked towards Edith while Alice rushed Bella inside with the look of panic in her eyes.

Edith slowly slid to her knees as she shielded her face away from Esme who was approaching with caution. She had dealt with Edith like this and she knew how to handle it but Edith didn't want to handle the situation, she just wanted to feel loved.

"Something's wrong, Esme. Something's changing." Edith chocked out as she looked at her hands which were shaking.

"Edith, you have to calm down or people are going to get hurt if your emotions progress." Esme said in a hushed voice as Jasper and Emmet sped outside and stood behind Esme.

"I killed him." Edith murmured into herself, she could imagine the taste of his lips when he kissed her with passion and flames. She could still taste his blood in her mouth when she had lost control.

"You didn't mean it and I'm sure if he was here, he would tell you the same. Francis would forgive you." Esme touched her face, gently.

Edith lay beside her husband, as he lay cold on the floor; there was no warmth left as his soul had left his body and found inner peace. She weeped, quietly as she had realised what she had done. She had regained control of herself and found her husband, dead and blood over her hands and on her mouth. It was easy to realise that she had killed him, she had fed from the one person who she promised not to feed on and she had managed to break that promise.

She had begged Francis to let her turn him but he had resisted and refused. He loved Edith the way she was; even her monstrous side but he didn't want to be ageless.

He had cut himself with a knife while preparing dinner for the two of them, it was obvious what had happened. She snapped and sank her fangs into his jugular as a two year anniversary.

She remembered everything, the way he cried out for her to stop, the way he gently held her waist even though she was killing him and the way he had let her kill him, accepted it. As he was dying, he prayed that she would peace with herself for killing him. He knew it was accidentally done, he even regretted not letting her turn him.

He smelt dead, she was in shock to even comprehend what she had down a d when it finally hit her, that was the turning point.

Edith screamed so loud as she mourned her love, the person she had killed. She screamed so loud that the full population of the village dropped down dead with blood spluttering out of their mouths and ears.

Edith screamed as she relived Francis' death one last time and she cried out loud and allowed her heart to burst with sadness and torture as she screamed as loud as her lungs could let her. Esme had crouched down to Edith's level while holding her ears while a pained expression as her skin was cracked with the noise coming from Edith.

"Edith, look at me." Esme shouted and held out one hand to touch Edith's shoulder as Edith slowly opened her eyes to notice Esme's icy skin cracking. Jasper focused himself trying to control Edith's emotions and to stop her from being terrified and in pain. He focused to calm her and blocking out her sad emotions and pain.

Edith immediately stopped screaming and smacked a hand over her mouth to fully silence and muffle any sound coming from her lips.

Edith held onto Esme's body as she enveloped her into a hug and rocked her back and forth while Edith had time to fully calm down. Jasper and Emmet quickly came forward and Emmet slowly and carefully lifted Edith up bridal style as she was still whimpering.

"I killed him." She whispered out as Emmet softly hushed her.

"You let your anger get the better of you, Edie. But from the way you tell the story, he didn't mind dying as long as it was you." Emmet said as he rushed up the stairs of her house passing Rosalie and Alice panicking and seeing Edith in the state she was in. They quietly followed behind Emmet as they would comfort Edith when she was placed in her bedroom.

Edith was in bed with Alice and Rosalie beside her, "Is Esme okay?" Edith spoke up with worry written in her eyes.

"You stopped just in time before you could cause any real damage." Rosalie held onto Edith as Alice got in bed with her to hug her and comfort her.

Edith was almost childlike sometimes, she liked to be in contact with someone when she was feeling down or sad. She liked to have reassurance and the touch of somebody near her. Alice or Rosalie, sometimes Jasper would comfort her; Alice being sensitive, Rosalie being her closest sister and Jasper being able to control emotions around him.

"It's okay, Edie, get some rest." Rosalie said as she left the room to inform Jasper.

Jasper came in the room and snuggled up beside Edith to allow her mind to be in a state of rest, even though vampires couldn't sleep, they still could be in a state of mind that allowed them to be in a very peaceful state of mind; almost in a sleep of her own.

Carlisle and Esme stood in the kitchen along beside Alice and Emmett. "I've never seen this before except once before. Edith is going to find her mate soon, that's why she's been so emotional. Reliving past loves, almost getting them out of her system. It's the universes way of letting her grieve before meeting her mate. It's not normally this intense but Edith is an intense vampire. Her mate is going to find her and he's going to find her fast."

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