Chapter eleven

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Chapter One: The Day Before The Big Wedding

Childhood is not from birth to a certain age. And at a certain age, the child is grown and puts away childish things. Childhood is the kingdom where nobody dies.

Edith looked at Embry as he tried on his tux for the wedding of Bella and Edwards wedding; they were in the Cullen's house, in Edith's bedroom. Embry had been spending a lot of time over there as Edith wanted to spend as much time as she could with her mate. The Cullens enjoyed the wolfs banter, he was sarcastic and got on well with Emmett. The boys normally played games on the consoles, mostly at weekends when Embry had finished his pack duties.

It was crazy seeing him get along with her brothers but Edith was secretly thankful. She had wanted Rosalie to warm up to him and she tried and nearly succeeded, it would take some time.

"It looks terrible." Embry huffed as he pulled at the collar of his shirt.

"Embry, you look very attractive." Edith sighed as she stood in front of him and tied his tie for him.

"Hot?" Embry smirked as he pecked Edith's cold lips. She smirked and pushed him onto the bed and straddled him, he hummed and she kissed him slowly; in a teasing way. She slowly unbuttoned his shirt, a couple of buttons and he slowly huffed.

She suddenly looked up at him and raised an eyebrow, "What's wrong?"

"Yeah, we are not having sex in your house, all your family have heightened hearing and that's just an accident waiting to happen." He cringed at the thought. She laughed, agreeing with him. She quickly got off the bed.

"You just have to break them in." Alice weakly smiled at Bella.

"I've been breaking them in. For three days. Can I just go barefoot?" Bella sighed as she took the shoes off.

"No, absolutely not." Edith said, appearing from the door with Embry clinging onto her, as usual.

"Just thinking it's a little much, you know? The dress and the shoes, and all of this." Bella pointed out to Jasper and Carlisle carrying benches.

"No, it's exactly enough. Tomorrow will be perfect." Alice said smiling and looking to Edith.

"It will be the wedding of the decade, I even have Embry wearing a tux." Edith scoffed and nudged her boyfriend.

Emmett was carrying a long tree trunk, with his strength and asked Alice where to put them.

"Where do you want them, boss?" Emmet said, stopping and waiting for orders.

"On either side of the aisle." Alice said as Rosalie walks past behind Emmett carrying a fat tree stump.

"What aisle?" Rosalie huffs and Alice sighs loudly before taking control.

"Does no one have vision?" Alice walks away to show the family where to put things.

"You, go home and get lots of beauty sleep. That's an order." Edith smiled and hugged her tightly without warning.

"Okay." Bella said and waved to the Cullen's before shortly leaving after.

"I can't wait till tomorrow. I get to see family members that I haven't seen in years." Edith looked to Embry and locked her arms softly around his neck.

"You mean-"

"Yes, Embry, vampires. Don't worry, they won't bite unless you ask them to." She smirked, winking at him. She joined her brothers, helping to set up for tomorrow.

Edith's phone rang and she smiled, she knew who it would be.

"Hey, it's me, Lucy." Edith answered her phone and Lucy's loud voice boomed through the speaker.

"Hey, Lucy. How have you been; you haven't emailed me in days." Edith smiled as she walked back into the house and sat in the sofa.

"Yeah yeah, I have some news!" Lucy laughed through the phone and Edith had a confused look on her face.

She didn't have the chance to response because Lucy was already telling her story, "So, two months ago, I met this guy at a party right and we got talking. I gave him my number. We went on a date after talking and now I have a boyfriend."

"Lucy, that's so good. Talking about relationships, Edward is getting married tomorrow." Edith responded and asked all about Lucy's boyfriend, his name was Harry and he was dark, tall and handsome.

Edith stayed onto the phone with her best friend practically all day until she went out to hunt and it was good to catch up with her friend that she hasn't seen in months.

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