Chapter twenty

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Chapter Twenty: Death and Paradise

"Bella's dead."

Edith stopped for a moment and her jaw dropped, she didn't understand. Bella had been okay when she left, she was happy and was finally getting stronger with the human blood. She ran into the house to discover Bella's lifeless body on the medical bed, cut open and bloody with Edward standing over her, injecting his venom in her heart and pumping it through her veins.

"You're not dead. You're not dead. Come on! No, it will work. It will work. Please, please, please, please. Come back to me, please, baby. Bella, Bella, please, please." Edward cried out as he started to bite her arms and legs to spread the venom faster.

Edith knew that Edward couldn't live without Bella. Isabella Swan was the love of his life and that would destroy him if she didn't wake up. She looked dead, she looked so lifeless but Edith could tell that it was the morphine making her calm.

Edith whimpered at the sight of her brother, she felt a wave of sadness rush over her as she looked at him whispering to her.

Suddenly, she heard a baby; the innocent baby that had killed her own mother and destroyed her own family; separating the family into two sides. She crept out the room and followed the coos and sighs of the newborn baby. The sweet sounds led her to the living-room where Rosalie was sitting on a rocking chair, admiring a little soul whose heart was clean and filled with joyful and loving thoughts. Edith stood behind Jacob, she wasn't sure what he was doing until he made eye contact with the baby and she could sense what had happened.

It's like gravity. Your whole center shifts. Suddenly, it's not the Earth holding you here. You would do anything, be anything she needs. A friend, a brother. A protector.

Edith didn't know how to process the situation in front of her but she didn't have time to understand as she heard wolves growling in the distance and she knew that they were close to attacking. She left Jacob with the baby and she quickly stepped outside, to be greeted with Edward, Alice and Jasper.

"We're outnumbered"

"By a lot."

"I won't let them hurt my family." Edward looked at Edith, he was covered in Bella's blood; the aftermath of Bella.

Edith knew that the wolves would hurt her, they looked angery and she immediately looked out Embry and he was there. She quickly raised an eyebrow at the wolf who was looking at her with every emotion under the sun but chose to ignore it. He didn't want to do this, he didn't want to damage his relationship anymore than he had already done- he knew that Edith had left him and secretly he was in no shape to fight but it was his orders.

"Don't do this, she's only a baby." She whispered and the wolves quickly stopped growling; Edith once was classed as family but they had to protect the town.

Suddenly, they attacked. She breathed in and targeted Paul, the hothead of the pack. Edith knew that she couldn't kill him, that would destroy Embry but either way, somebody was going to get hurt.

It was a head on head collision between the two hotheads, she used all her strength to punch him into a nearby tree trunk and he whimpered but quickly found his feet.

He growled as he saw red and Edith growled back, he quickly rushed forward and caught Edith off guard and threw her on the ground and jumped on top of her, she held Paul's jaw as he was trying to bite her, she couldn't get off him and he caught her off guard with the sudden movement.

She looked around while struggling to keep alive. All her family where struggling too, against the pack. This was a bad idea, she looked over to Embry who was fighting off Alice and Edith gave a loud cry as she wanted to use her power to save Alice but it would be too powerful and with the baby around.

She didn't want to kill Paul with her power but she didn't have much a choice, it was either her or him and she needed to survive to save the rest of her family.

Embry, hearing her cries and whimpers, stopped fighting and looked in the direction of Edith. He left the vampire and sprinted over to the direction of Paul and Edith.

He jumped over Paul and grabbed his neck, pulling him off Edith and they both landed with a thump. Paul got up and started growling at Embry as he protectively stood over her. Edith slowly stood up and silently thanked Embry .

Paul was about to attack them but a voice cried out, breaking Sam away from the Cullen's in front of him, "Stop! It's over! If you kill her, you kill me."

It was Jacob, the young wolf, ran out of the house after imprinting of the daughter of his past love interest and Edward Cullen. He was angry and ready to protect his imprint.

He phased into his wolf and started to growl at the rest of the pack to prove his point.

"Jacob imprinted. They can't hurt her. Whoever a wolf imprints on can't be harmed. It's their most absolute law." Edward realised and Edith sighed in content. Nobody would be hurting the baby Cullen.

She smiled at her family as the pack left, knowing that they wouldn't win. Embry shifted and put shorts on and came back to Edith's side.

"Edith." He breathed her scent in as he enveloped her in a hug and he sighed in relief of being here with her. He couldn't help but hug her, he needed to touch her one last time, he needed to memorise all the little details of her face.

"I can't let you go." He kissed her lips once as all the family went into the house to prepare Bella. She stood in front of him and nodded her head, wanting to kiss him once more. Her whole body nearly fell to the ground as he held her steady and cried into her shoulder.

"We'll never survive. You've already proved that, you broke the imprint bond by sleeping with that girl. We can't do this. This will kill us but I can't look at you the same without picturing her all over you."

It was silent between the two, Embry knew this was the end of their love but he couldn't think about it. He needed to hold her before he collapsed with heartbreak and guilt.

He had finally let her go, she was free to do as she pleased as he slowly walked away from the love of his life, the guilt would eat away at him every day for the rest of his life.

"She shouldn't be this still."

"It's the morphine, Edward. Listen to her heart. Look at the way her hair is slowly thickening, how her body is fixing itself; her rib cage. She's healing, she's part of the family, now." Edith said.

Bella and Edith were both suffering on the inside.

So still, so deadly.

So still, so deadly

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