chapter four

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Chapter Four: Expect the Unexpected

Edith awoken alone with nobody by her side which confused her but then as the loud music was vibrating throughout her body she realised that Alice's grand party was happening outside her room, in the house. She thought about how a terrible sister and family member; she was too caught up in her own fantasy and thoughts that she wasn't thinking about her family. Edith felt a wave of relieve come over her head as she slowly of out of bed and opened her curtains; it was dark and late by the looks of things, the party had not long started.

She felt fine, which confused her deeply.

She strolled to her en suite bathroom and jumped in the shower to clean the last of the dried blood off her skin from hours ago. The water was hot, contrasting with her skin and she felt an enjoyment of the warmth for a couple of seconds till she become frozen again. She hurried out the shower after washing her hair and walked back through to her room. In her wardrobe, she grabbed the outfit that Alice had chosen for her to wear and got dressed. She looked across the room to lock eyes with a framed drawing of Francis.

She smiled in contentment.

She looked at it for a few minutes and shook her head, "God, you were beautiful, weren't you?" She sighed, fixing her hair and smiling to herself as she opened her bedroom door and winced as the music was a little too loud for her ears but she quickly adjusted to it.

There were people everywhere, dancing and drinking out of red cups. Edith hardly knew the faces surrounding until she caught ahold of a familiar face, Lucy Adore, her only friend outside of her own family.

She didn't know that Edith was a vampire but she accepted her weirdness and awkwardness. She knew that Edith wasn't normal, like other humans; with her changing eyes and her pale, cold skin and the fact that Edith never touched her food. Lucy had probably guessed what Edith was but Lucy respected Edith's privacy.

They had been friends since the Cullen's moved to Forks and to say Lucy didn't make an impact on Edith's life would be an understatement. Edith didn't get close to a lot of people outside her family but Lucy was an exception. Lucy was moving to Canada tomorrow morning to live with her father so tonight was the last time to see her. Her mother and father were divorced but her parents had recently decided to give it another go so Lucy and her mother were moving to Canada to be with her father.

Edith quickly smiled when Lucy locked eyes with herself and Lucy quickly ran up to Edith and hugged her.

"We made it through high school, bitches!" She laughed, clinging onto Edith.

Edith smirked, "You know what this means? Annual holidays to carry on this amazing friendship." Lucy rambled on.

"I would never forget about you, Lucy, you're my friend and I will always catch up with you, even if I have to travel to Canada just to have coffee with you." Edith said and wiped a tear away from Lucy's eyes.

"God, I wish you could cry so I wouldn't be the only one crying." Lucy cheered up with a dig to Edith.

"I'm crying inside, trust me, you mean a lot to me." Edith sighed and held Lucy closer to her.

"By the way, you are rocking that blue dress, babe, you have boys gawking over you." Lucy snapped her fingers in a sassy way.

Edith laughed and shook her head, "Like who?"

"How about Mike?" Lucy clocked Mike staring at Edith and sent a wink his way.

Edith looked over to see Mike turning bright red and Eric patted him on his back and laughed.

"You just embarrassed him, Lucy." Edith scolded.

"And? You'll never see him again after tonight." Lucy bounced up and down to the music and waved her hands in the hair.

"You're drunk." Edith stated, tilting her head as Lucy smelt like strong alcohol.

"And you're boring, what happened to the Edith I knew a couple of months ago; living for the moment, being who she wanted to be?" Lucy frowned as she swayed side to side.

"I don't know, guess graduation made life reality." Edith whispered to her and Lucy sighed.

"You'll go to university and meet a boy and have babies." Lucy exclaimed and dragged out the sentence.

Edith just nodded and Lucy kissed Edith's cheeks to comfort her. After a while of talking and watching Lucy flirt with some boy, Edith decided that it was time for Lucy to go home so she grabbed her phone and called Lucy's mother to come and get her. Edith said her goodbyes to Lucy and told her that she would email her every day or she would try to.

She met Bella outside who was just entering the house and caught up with her; she was wearing a blue shirt and jeans; the normal Bella attire.

"Hey Bella, how are you?" Edith smiled at Isabella who in return gave a small grin and the began to walk up the stairs.

"Yeah, I'm good, just stressed out as usual. Are you okay? You know, you kinda freaked out earlier on." Bella asked Edith and she didn't know how to reply.

"I'm better now, I just had to get it out of my system I guess." Edith shrugged as the reached the top of the stairs and Bella was met by Jessica and Angela.

They said hello to Bella and hugged her quickly before Jessica started to talk about her speech; most importantly, herself.

"What did you think of my speech? Too easy breezy, too self helpful, you hated it?" Jessica rambled on using hand movements.

"No, I think you pretty much nailed it." Bella said, smiling and Edith agreed.

"Yeah, it was an epic speech, Jessica." Edith said, awkwardly before heading off.

She heard Jessica talking before turning her head to see the Cullen's scattered about.

"Yeah, it's like I was born to lead right?" She heard Jessica say before she looked to Bella again to see Jessica and Angela away dancing and three members of the pack walk up the stairs.

Edith snarled at the look of them; Jacob and two other members which she didn't recognise, she didn't look any of them in the eye as she didn't care; filthy mutts.

"What are you doing here?" Bella asked Jacob as Edith stood behind her admiring the boy the right, he was very boyish and cute. He stood over 6ft and had dark brown eyes and he had russet skin.

"You invited me, remember?" Jacob said and Edith scoffed as she met eyes with the other boy on the left and that's when her full world stopped.

He was her soulmate.

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