Chapter twenty seven

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Chapter Twenty Seven: New Life

Her porcelain skin was as cold as her heart felt, she felt doomed to a life of misery, the cold expression on her face was nothing like she was feeling, she wanted to rip people apart just with the slightest thought of blood.

She was the devil; a monster that haunted bedtime stories at night. The bloodsucker, the filthy bloodsucker.

She was disgraced and distracted by the red eyes that stared back at her in the reflection in the mirror, she had broke everything in her life for something so huge that it could literally rip her apart doing so.

She found herself in a expensive hotel, with her wicked friend Nicholas. He would never be Embry but he god damn tried his hardest. He knew he could mix her mind up and take the easy way but he wanted it to be real. He needed it to be real.

He was lying in bed with no shirt on and his boxers, admiring Edith zipping her dress up from behind.

He knew getting her back on human blood would make her more playful and more open to him, she used to be a filthy little vampire in their younger days. She had always said that he was her favourite out of all the people she had turned, he was the most fun.

But she matured and found hope in the Cullen's that changed her spirit and she loved the way she was then. She liked having a family, she enjoyed reliving life over again in different places.

"You look sinful, as always my darling." He looked at her, sliding her leather jacket over her body and faced him with an innocent glimpse.

"I'm thirsty." He bit her lip and looked again at her reflection, admiring her face as if she was going to develop wrinkles or flaws.

"Don't worry, we shall be joining our family for a feast tonight." He smirked as he approached her with his fast speed and slowly placed strands of hair away from her neck and peppered kisses all over her neck. She had missed Nicholas but she wasn't stupid. It was the turning point of finally hating sweet, sinful Nick.

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