Chapter fourteen

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Chapter Four: You Did Him Good, Didn't you?
A/N : if you felt robbed (tbh I felt robbed and I wrote the damned thing - I added a wee smutty scene at the end of the last chapter. Okay, love u)

Sitting at the table in Emily's and Sam's, Edith admired Jared and Embry mock fighting outside. They were joking about Embry having love bites all over his neck and Paul smirked, walking into the house and sitting across from Edith.

"Hello, Edith." Paul took a bite of his chicken wing and smirked, Edith innocently smiled and made conversation with the smug looking hot head. 

"How have you been?" She smiled, turning to face Embry who walked in the door, with Jared and Quil.

"You owe me 10 bucks, remember." Jared laughed as he took a chicken wing and Embry kissed Edith's head and stood behind her seat.
He quickly handed Jared the money and sighed in disappointment.

"You shouldn't be asking about me, we should be asking about you with the looks of those scratches on Embry's back, earlier this week." Jared laughed at Paul's answer and Edith shook her head in embarrassment.

"Paul, come on. That's our private business." Embry said, warning him.

"Yeah, it's your private business but with the mind link with the pack; we hear and see everything. It's quite sickening actually." Quil agreed with Jared.

"You've been at it like rabbits for two weeks, have some rest eh." Embry laughed and Edith sighed before laughing awkwardly.

"I'm sorry, boys." Edith and the boys chatted more, telling jokes until Jacob walked in and it all went quiet. Edith started at him with anger and disgust and Jake started back at her with the same look.

He sat down and apologised to her and she accepted, "if you ever say something like that to me or even look at me the wrong way, I will eat and destroy you." She smiled.

"Feisty." Jacob laughed and highfived Edith.

The full pack planned a day down at the beach since it was a nice but windy day. Emily had packed a picnic including sandwiches, chicken and all sort of different foods. Edith and Kim helped.

Edith liked Kimberly, she was a lovely girl; completely in love with Jared and he was completely different around her. She didn't know how to feel about Edith being a vampire but she accepted it because she knew that Edith was a good person.

Edith was playing soccer with Seth and Sam and Paul was cheering the vampire on. Her skin was sparkling in the sunlight and Quil's imprint, Claire was laughing and intrigued by her skin.

"Maybe they'll say she was in a car crash. Or tripped and fell off a cliff." Jacob said and Edith caught it and looked his way before carrying on.

"Keep it in play! Keep it in play! Come on! Come on." Paul shouted, encouraging Edith and she laughed as Seth tried to steal the ball off her.

"At least I'll get one thing out of it." Jacob smiled and Sam shouted over to him.

"No, you won't. The Cullens are not a danger to the town or the tribe." Sam said and Edith quickly interjected.

"Hurt my brother and I'll crack your skull." She wickedly smiled.

"Well, he's either gonna kill her or change her. And the treaty says." Jacob said and Sam quickly told Jacob to stop, "I say, Jacob. I say."

"You know, if you wanted things different, you should've become alpha." Embry looked at Jacob and looked back to his imprint.

"Turning it down seemed like a good idea at the time." He huffed.

"Jake, you really think you could kill Bella if she comes back a vampire?" Seth said as he came up to him, along with Edith.

"No, he would make one of us do it, then hold a grudge against us." Leah scoffed.

"Shut up, Leah." He snapped.

"Would you just get over it? It's not like you've imprinted on her." Leah said and Edith agreed.

"You know, vampires aren't that bad." Edith said as she sat on the sand.

"At least they seem happy." Seth sighed as looked at the imprints.

"Yeah, some people are just lucky, I guess." Embry said as he smiled at Edith who quickly looked up at him and blew a kiss to him.

"Lucky? None of you belong to yourselves anymore. And the sickest part is that your genes tells you that you're happy about it." Jacob growled at the thought of imprinting. Edith looked down at her hands and fiddled with them. Was that what imprinting really felt like? She had never thought about it like that.

"Least if you imprinted on someone, you'd finally forget about Bella. I mean, being any kind of happy is better than being miserable about someone you can't have." Leah sighed as she looked at Sam and Emily.

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