Chapter fifteen

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Chapter Five: Impossible

The Cullen house was hectic; the impossible had happened and not one member of the family was prepared; Rosalie and Bella had bonded and Edward was left outside, in the dark. Edith was confused and inside, the jealously got to her; Bella had the impossible and Edith was jealous however, she had taken Bella's side in all this mess because a baby was a baby.

Yes, Isabella Swan was pregnant.

They came back from their honeymoon two weeks ago with the news that Bella was carrying a child, however not 100% of the family were too sure. Of course Edith and Rosalie would stick up for Bella as that's all they wanted in life, children and a soulmate.

Edith had been keeping the family secret from the Uley pack because she was scared, they would turn against them and try to kill the unborn child. She kept it from Embry and she felt so guilty but what was she supposed to do?

She hadn't even spoke or seen Embry since she found out that Bella was pregnant. It was nearly a month since the phone call came from Isle Esme.

She was too busy keeping an eye on her to make sure she was okay, she missed Embry but she was sure that he would understand. She felt guilt as she had blanked his messages and when he came around the house she had told him to leave as she was far too busy to entertain him, she shouldn't have said that. She wanted to invite him around or be near him but she couldn't leave Bella's side just incase.

Edith was currently at the front door, greeting Jacob who had found out that Bella was back in Forks, 'ls it true?"

"Hello, Jacob, how are you?"

"Listen, just give it to me straight." Jacob said as he stormed into the house, passing Edith without so much as looking at her and went up the stairs, he heard Bella asking if it was him and he walked with Edith behind him.

"She's here?" He asked, looking back at Edith.

"They came home four weeks ago." Edith said as they continued walking through the house, they entered the livingroom and Bella smiled weakly in her decreasing health state, she looked like hell.

"Jake. I'm glad you came." Bella said, playing with her fingers. Jacob walked closer to Bella but Rosalie, who is standing in front of her, stopped him and guarded her. She said that he was close enough and Jake growled softly at the pale face.

"What's your problem?" Jacob asked and Bella told Rose that it was okay. Edith didn't know how to process the next couple of minutes, Bella and Jacob were making small talk until she stood up, revealing a huge swollen stomach.

"You did this!" Jacob shouted, moving closer to Edward, possibly trying to start something.

"Clam down, wolf boy." Edith sneered at the wolf as she protected her brother.

"I didn't know it was even possible." Carlisle shook his head and sighed.

"What is it?" Jacob asked the doctor and Carlisle responded, "I'm not sure. Ultrasounds and needles won't penetrate the embryonic sac."

"I can't see it, either. And I can't see Bella's future anymore." Alice said as she looked down at her fingers.

"We've been researching legends, but there isn't much to go on. What we do know is that it's strong. And fast-growing." Carlisle said and Jacob started raising his voice again, "Why haven't you done anything? Take it out of her!

"This is none of your business, dog." Rosalie stepped in front of Jacob.


"All this fighting isn't good for Bella."Carlisle said and Alice retorted.

"The fetus isn't good for Bella."

"Say the word, Alice. "Baby." It's just a little baby. It's a blessing in disguise, why can't you see that." Edith said as she sat next to Bella holding her hand. Secretly, Edith was glad and overjoyed that their would be a child running around the Cullen household and she would spoil her niece or nephew.


"Carlisle, you've gotta do something."

"No. It's not his decision. It's not any of yours." Bella shouted and she held onto her stomach. Edward asked to speak to Jacob outside, he started to follow but quickly stopped and turned to Edith.

"You knew about this, Edith and you didn't tell the pack. I understand the Cullen's but not you. You didn't even tell Embry, the guy who is worried sick about you because you haven't seen him in a month. You've been ignoring his calls and right now, he doesn't even know if he has an imprint anymore. He's in pain. I thought your soulmate would be better than a baby that isn't even yours."

Edith looked down in shame, he would understand, he had to. She was protecting her family because she didn't know what the pack would do and she was scared. It was an innocent little baby, unaware of the love and life surrounded it. She walked outside and left the rest of her family. She breathed in the fresh air and sighed, Embry would understand. She looked at her phone and scrolled down her contacts and pressed Embry's number and called him. It rang a couple of times and then a voice answered, an unexpected voice; a feminine voice.


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