Chapter twenty nine

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Chapter Twenty Nine: Enough is Enough

Her feet crunched beneath the snow which was peacefully still, the storm had passed and all of its remains of flakes were drifting on the grass which was once a mossy green. The sky turned to white ensuring more cold nights and days were still to come, the air was cold and it could make you breathless if one was alive.

She had been through many wars; hell, she used to enjoy this killing and the pain that came along with it. She worshiped the Volturi once upon a time and she would protect her master to all costs.

She stood behind her master, Aro, as she was hiding in a way, when the were to arrive to fight her beloved family, she did not want them to see her. Everything was happening so suddenly as Aro and his army became visible to the Cullen's and Edith and her Volturi did outnumber the Cullen's, by a lot.

Edward watched Aro like a hawk as he was searching the place for Alice but could not find her. As they stopped, she heard the growls of the familiar pack who joined the Cullen's. Edith gasped at the sight which included Embry. She nearly lost her sight and could have dropped dead at the sight, they knew. He couldn't see her and that wasn't an option. He wasn't hers anymore, he was fighting with her family and she was fighting against them. He hadn't noticed her yet, nobody had. They expected to see Nicholas but after they didn't, they thought she wasn't there.

"Aro, Iet us discuss things as we used to. In a civilized manner." Carlisle raised his voice in a soothing matter, he didn't want it to become a war.

"Fair words, Carlisle. But a little out of place, given the battalion you've assembled against us." Aro retaliated as he looked at the the witnesses who gathered with the Cullen's.

"I can promise you, that was never my intent. No laws have been broken."

"We see the child. Do not treat us as fools." Edith scoffed at Cauis' remark.

"She is not an lmmortal! These witnesses can attest to that. Or you can look. See the flush of human blood in her cheeks." Carlisle said and attention is on Ness, she is standing with her head held high beside her mother.

"I will collect every facet of the truth. But from someone more central to the story. Edward, as the child clings to your newborn mate, I assume you are involved."

Edward looked at Bella and then to Esme, to which they both nodded. He started to make his way towards Aro, nobody had noticed Edith behind them but she knew that she would be dead before this war was over.

Edward extended his hand for Aro to take and he quickly took it and read his thoughts.

"I'd like to meet her." Aro said with a smile on this face, wanting to be close to this mortal child who was half vampire, half human.

Bella began to walk forward with Ness but Aro quickly put a halt to her movement. "Young Bella. Immortality becomes you. Edith, approach the child and bring her to me. I know that child clings to you, also, and I would like one of my own to serve me."

Edith's eyes widened as her name was mentioned and the Cullen clan was shocked, they didn't know that she was there, they hadn't caught scent of her. She slowly walked out from Aro's cover and stood up straight watching her family snarl at her.

She looked radiant in her Volturi uniform which was made just for her, the finest materials for the favourite. She slowly walked towards Ness and Bella sneered at her, at her betrayal; Edith's red eyes were for all to see, she wasn't a vegetarian anymore. She had embraced her old life with open arms.

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