Chapter 1: A Victim

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It was dark with rain. I was out patrolling the upper levels, peering through the stormwater drains. Okay, maybe I just wanted some time away from my brothers. They could be such a strain at times. I was lost in thought, and there was no-one on the street. Then I saw her.

She was holding her head, as if in pain. Her long fingers were clenched around
her temples, obscuring her eyes. Her breathing was heavy and laboured. She had a slight build, more for speed and agility than strength. A long braid hung to her waist. Her hair was a shiny black, almost blue. Pale skin contrasted drastically.

I saw her stumble, and lean against a wall next to an alley. I heard a moan of pain from across the street. I could see little of her face. Her eyes were scrunched, mouth pulled in a grimace full of pain.

I watched as a sudden flicker of movement behind the woman, within the confines of the alley, became a large man. He grabbed her braid, and yanked her into the alley. I heard her shout of surprise and pain.

Guessing what the man was going to do, I ran through the drains to reach the other side of the street. I found a manhole right up into the alley. I swear I could hear him growling incoherently, and her... snarls of defiance? It sounded like snarling.

I pushed the cover away, and leaped out, a katana half-drawn. Everything seemed to freeze.

The man was holding her by the throat against the wall, her feet barely on the ground. He had a glint in his eye, one that I found deeply disturbing.

Her teeth were bared in a savage way, and I could see her canine teeth were far too long to be normal. Her eyes were wide and glaring. They were a vivid green, and seemed to almost have slit pupils. Her nails were more like claws, digging into the man's arm, barely drawing blood. A trickle of green crept from the corner of her mouth.

As I took in the scene, a huge thunderclap shook the air, and rain began to fall heavily. The man, upon hearing the manhole cover slide open, whipped his head around. His eyes widened when he took in my... appearance. He basically dropped her, and backed away. I decided he shouldn't get away totally unpunished, so I ran at him, drew my katana the rest of the way, and hit him in the temple with the hilt. He slumped to the ground, unconscious.

I turned to see her suddenly vomit the strange green substance all over the ground. She shook like a leaf. I rushed over to help, but I think she was a little wary. She kind of... hissed at me? Something like that. She tried to claw at me too, but the rush of green leaving her mouth prevented that.

She kept me away, still vomiting the liquid everywhere, until she became too weak. Then she started screaming.

She writhed like her skin was on fire, and something, possibly several bones, suddenly snapped. She lost consciousness.

I picked her up and ran back to the hideout. I knew Donnie could do something for her. If not, she could get really hurt. Well, more hurt.


"Donnie! Donnie, where are you?! I need help!" The purple masked turtle rushed out of his computer area.
"What?! What is it?! Leo..." His panicked exclamations died in his throat. He took in her green-covered form, and his older brother's panicked face. "Shoot. Leo, you know you could get in big trouble with Sensei about this?"
"Yes, I do know. But I think she's dying!" Worry was evident on Leo's face, even through the blue mask.
"Alright, I'll see what I can do."

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