Chapter 2: A Patient

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*Apologies in advance for any OOCness.*

Five hours later...

"She's stable, but still unconscious. That green liquid was blood. I have no idea what could make blood green, but she's lost a lot of it, Leo," Donnie slumped at the table, exhausted. Leo had helped where he could, but it wasn't quite enough. Both males were tired and in dire need of sleep, but if Sensei or Ralph or Mikey came back early, there would be a lot of trouble.

Raph had been out for his own alone time. He and Leo had another leadership argument. Mikey just wanted pizza, and Sensei was watching a live performance of his favourite band.

Both turtles had to come up with an explanation for their other two brothers, who were absent. And as usual, before either could think of a good one, both Raph and Mikey entered the hideout via water drains. Both pairs of eyes alighted on the unconscious, blood-stained human female.

"What the hell?! Why is there another human down here?!"
"Whoa, Raph! Calm down!" Donnie leapt up to stop his enraged brother from causing any further harm.
"Calm down? There's another bloody human down here, who probably thinks we're freaks! Like the rest of those losers up there!" His finger pointed upwards, the general direction of the surface.
"Well, I don't think she would, let alone could. She's knocked out cold!" Donnie argued in her defence.
Raph deflated a little at that. Mikey was merely curious and had wandered over to look at her.
"Hey, dudes, why has she got green stuff coming out of her mouth?" He had dipped a finger in the pool that had formed from the constant trickle of blood.
"Mikey! Leave her alone. And, we're not sure why," Leo stood from the table. She still had a pained look on her face.


After bringing the other two turtles up to speed, and Raph reluctantly and grudgingly accepting her presence, they began to wonder what to do with her. Sensei would have a fit if he knew. But he wasn't due home for another few hours or so.

The woman moaned in her sleep a couple of times, and at one point muttered "I think I was saved by a six-foot turtle," which made the brothers, even Raph, snicker quietly.

It was beginning to get late at night when Donnie alerted them to Sensei returning home. They all rushed over to stand in front of the couch, on which the unconscious woman lay.

"Hello Sensei!" They said in unison.
"My sons, why are you not yet asleep?" He asked.
"Well, we uh, we wanted to welcome you home is all," Donnie lamely answered. A glare from Raph ascertained the rat's suspicions.
"What is you are hiding from me?" He sighed.
"Nothing! Nothing at all!" Mikey's quick reply wasn't helping the situation at all. Then, Leo sighed.
"Guys, don't bother. He'll find out eventually, he always does. Anyway, we kinda need his help with this one," he stood aside, revealing the woman. As the rat approached, her eyes shot open.

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