Chapter 3: Release

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*I do not own TMNT.*

In a prison, far to the west of New York, sat a man. His hair was long and lanky, and a dirty brown colour from lack of wash. An orange jumpsuit served as his garb. This man was Eric Sacks.

Two years ago, he had been jailed for assisting his adoptive father, Oroku Saki, also known as The Shredder, to recover the mutagen from four turtle's blood. Sacks had fumed over his failure for his entire sentence, and since then become bitter. He didn't care so much about the mutagen anymore. He just wanted to see them suffer.

Today, he might get his wish. He was getting out, his sentence over. Maybe he'll strangle the blue-masked one first?

The jangle of keys unlocking his cell awoke him from his thoughts. "C'mon you. Time to get your stuff," a guard gruffly spoke as he opened the cell door. Eric pushed himself to his feet.
He was glad to leave his dingy old cell.

He went through the leaving procedures. He left the prison in the late afternoon. He was driven to the main city area of New York, not too far from an apartment he now lives in, seeing as his estate was destroyed. Feeling like a drink, Eric walked to the bar around the corner, the Horseshoe. A renowned place for mercenaries to hang about, waiting for work. He sat down and ordered a whiskey.

Two other voices were heard around the other side of the bar. Eric could barely see them through the bottles in the middle. "Hey, who's back there?" He asked the bartender.
"Special clients," he grunted back. Eric just sat back a little and took a sip of whiskey. It wasn't very nice. It tasted watered down.
"I need to hire some mercenaries. To take out some old enemies of mine. Would you perhaps know who may help me?" he ventured. 'Special clients' usually meant 'mercenaries'.
The bartender glanced up at him whilst wiping a glass with a tea towel. He sighed and leaned his elbows on the bench.
"The only ones for hire that I know of go by the names Bebop and Rocksteady. They're a package deal," the bartender talks lowly to Eric as an elderly man shuffles in. "However, only one person has ever, uh, 'hired' them," Eric motioned for the man to continue as he took another mouthful of whiskey. "They, uh, used to be employed by The Shredder," the bartender nervously mumbles. Eric's eyes widen. His father had employed mercenaries?
"Tell me more, please," Eric's smooth voice asked in a kind tone.
"Well, they don't look, uh, normal,"
Eric wondered what he meant by that. He was pretty sure the bartender didn't mean disfigured.

He let his thoughts wander as the bartender served the other customer. When the man returned, Eric gulped down the last of his whiskey. "I'd like to meet these... special clients, please," The man motioned for Eric to follow him as he moved to a door hidden by the bench. He knocked, and stuck his head through. A few moments later, and Eric stood before two huge humanoid animals. One was easily identified as a rhinoceros. The other was more obscure as his purple mohawks made the identifying difficult. Eric finally concluded that he was a warthog.
"Hello gentlemen," he greeted, holding a hand out. The rhino shook his hand, holding it tentatively. He had obviously broken several before.
"Hey. I'm Rocksteady, and this is my man, Bebop," The rhino pointed to his warthog partner.
"Pleasure to meet you both. My name is Eric Sacks," Both creatures eyes widened. They had heard Shredder talking of Eric as his son. A silent conversation, not at all common for both mutants, took place. Both resolved to work for him if he allowed.
"What didja need?" Bebop asked the man.
"I need some help getting rid of a few old enemies. I hope you boys are up to it," Both grin and nod. They asked who.
"Some very pesky teenage turtles," he grinned savagely. He still wouldn't mind taking their mutagen, but he wanted them to suffer first. Both mutants appeared aware of their existence.
"We'll do it," they said in unison. Eric grinned again.

*Bluh, sorry it's a little boring. This one was a little wishy-washey. I wasn't quite sure what happened to Sacks, so I assume he was loose, then got captured. I also debated whether he should be in a prison or a bar. Turns out both do just fine! 😄 So, yeah. Expect a Sacks chapter every now and then. Next chap, back to the turtles and their mysterious patient (if she doesn't seem mysterious, she can just be a mystery for me to think about and you to find out! )😃*

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