Chapter 9: ... of Family Lost

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An earthquake shook the ground. The building started to crumble from the sheer force. The little girl managed to not scream, but tears fell down her face as part of the roof fell. Her Poppa held her in another embrace. He picked her up and held her close.

Another chunk of roof fell. It landed on the child's Grandmama. Her scream overlapped the earthquake, and rain began to fall outside as thunder shook the air. Lightning flashed, revealing a nightmarish scene.

The child's mother and Nan were at the door. Her father was reaching for Poppa's hand. Poppa grabbed it, holding the girl in his other arm, and both were pulled to the doorway. The earthquake soon stopped. Rain pattered through the holes in the roof.

A figure burst through a wall, opposite the door. He called the name of the girl's father. He growled in response. He told his wife and parents-in-law to run. To keep his little girl safe. He pulled out twin katana blades and charged the figure, whom had drawn his own weapon, a longsword.

A flurry of blows were exchanged. The remainder of the family began to run, but when a shout of pain was suddenly silenced, the girl's family looked back. Her father could be seen, stabbed through the chest with his own blades, forming a cross and supporting his body. The mother screamed his name, and pulled out her longest, sharpest knitting needles and flung them at the figure. One bounced off leather armour. The other went through an eye. The figure roared.

The figure stumbled to one knee. A shouted command. The marching of feet. More figures marched through the gap in the wall. Poppa handed the girl to her Nan and told her to run. So she did. The last glimpse the girl had of her Poppa was his own bladed bō staff being drawn.

Nan ran with her grandchild to the large garden. She stumbled through garden beds and trees ripped from the earth. She could hear more figures crashing through the tangle of plants behind her. They were gaining. An arrow hit a nearby branch with enough force to bury the head.

More arrows showered down among the girl and her fleeing Nan. She sheltered behind the trunk of a large fallen tree. Nan put down the little girl. "Jeru, ai garou. (Run, my dear). Don't look back. Hopefully our family's curse is not placed on you. Be strong, child."

The girl, not understanding the curse part, certainly understood the run part. So she hugged her dear Nan one more time, a look of love upon both females faces, before fleeing into the tangle of destroyed growth. She heard the sound of tearing cloth behind her, then a thunderous roar. The earth shook once more.


"And that's how my family died. I'm not sure what happened to Nan, but a week later, I went back and the only thing left of her was her favourite green shawl that she had been wearing," the now winged woman explained to the turtles who had helped her through her mutation.
"I'm sorry for your loss," Leo gently put a hand on her shoulder. She leaned into his hand slightly. The other turtles stood with heads bowed. Raph shuffled his feet. After a moment of silence, the woman spoke again.
"I didn't introduce myself. My name is Skollña Draconi. It is a pleasure to meet you all," she awkwardly bowed to the turtles. They returned the gesture.
"I-if I may ask, um, h-how old are you?" Donnie stuttered. She smiled.
"I'm sixteen," Each of the brother's faces showed a large amount of shock.
"But that's so young! We were around that age when we took down Shredder the first time!" Leo exclaimed.
"First time? Technically it was the only time, Krang got rid of him before we could stop him," Donnie pushed his glasses up.
Mikey merely said "Whoa," Raph still hadn't said anything. His jaw was hanging open. Skollña giggled and pushed it shut with a finger. Raph looked a little disgruntled.
"It's getting light," he grunted. Everyone looked to the east. Streaks of pink glowed in the sky.
"Alright, just let me grab some stuff," Skollña walked back into the ruins of her childhood home.

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