Chapter 19: Visitor

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The cockatrice was learning well. It ate meat, and knew not to attack unless I said so. The collar had done its job. I left it on the beast, lest it become wild.

The cockatrice, I found, was capable of petrifying a person with fear. Whoever looked in its eyes when they glowed red, would be locked in a trance. They wouldn't be able to move no matter how hard they tried. The creature also carried a toxin in its claws. If it entered the bloodstream, the victim would become seriously ill for several days.

I watched the silver creature race around the football field I had rented specifically for this purpose. Its legs pounded against the earth, wings tucked close to its body. One of the flaws of this beast, it couldn't fly, much like the poultry it originated from.

A man in leather armour sat next to me. I jumped, immediately uttering a command. The cockatrice looked at the man, and ran towards him. Its eyes began to glow red. I slipped down the shades on my head. It may have been dark out, but I had found it protected the wearer somewhat from the bird's gaze. I would still have a feeling of undeniable terror, but I wasn't petrified by it.

It stopped in front of me, facing the man. I had risen from my seat at this point. The armoured person gave no signal that he was afraid. In fact, he looked rather calm. "What do you want?" I asked him. He didn't move. Didn't say anything. "Well?" I was starting to feel sweat in my palms. He was a statue. The only thing I could see if the man under the armour was a single, sickeningly red, glowing eye. I stepped back as he finally stood.

"I want your help," his quiet, yet impossibly deep voice reverberated in my bones. I gulped.
"With what?" I hated how my voice came out shaky.
"The winged girl. My Master wants her dead," I began to protest about the mutagen, until he held up a gloved hand. "He wants to kill her himself, but he is quite happy with you torturing her for a bit first," his red eyes lock onto my blue ones.
"Very well, but he must help me capture the turtles who protect her. I want those ones for myself," I stated my terms. The man stood still for a few minutes. After a while, he nodded acceptance. He turned and placed something on the bench he had sat on. He nodded once more in parting, then left.

Just before he was out of sight, the ground cracked open enough for him to jump down. My eyes widened. A messenger from the underworld? I looked back at the bench. The cockatrice, satisfied that I wasn't in any danger, looked at it as well. Its head twisted to the side in confusion as I scratched my head, the same emotion on my face. It was small, and would easily fit in my wallet. A golden coin. On one side, a man's head was embossed. On the other, a fist holding six sticks. I knew this coin from my recent research into the mythical. It was a golden drachma.

*Puzzled yet? I hope so... I have no idea exactly how this story is going to end. Anyways, just a reminder, I don't own TMNT, only my OCs and the events of this story. I would also like to thank my AMAZING friend inspirational1234 for her continued support! You rule!*

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