Chapter 14: Escape

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My brothers and I were returning home from patrol. Nothing much happened, even though Foot Clan activity was rising again. I don't know why, but something felt off as we entered the lair.

Master Splinter was meditating in a circle of candles. Raph was now lifting his weights, and Donnie was fixing his gadgets he had broken a week ago. I think Mikey was skating around on his skateboard somewhere. I was about to go find Skollña, when I heard Mikey shout in alarm. I ran over to see if he was alright.

"Dude, there's green stuff on the floor again," he groaned from the floor after I had asked what happened. I froze. I checked the puddle he had slipped in. It was blood. Green blood.
"Guys! Grab your gear! Skollña's in trouble!" I shouted. Mikey scrambled to his feet and readied himself to go, already at the exit. Splinter had snapped out of his meditative state.
"No..." he whimpered. I put a hand on his shoulder to let him know it was okay, and that we would find her, before I left with my brothers.


I slowly regained consciousness in a cell. It was dark, and yet I could see. The colours where muted and dulled, but I could smell the flaked clay that came from the warm bricks. I tasted moisture in the air, and my nostrils flared as they caught heat waves coming from the bricks. It gave me a pretty good idea of what  I was in.

The blood had stopped pouring out of my mouth, but my throat burned, and my upper jaw ached. My canine teeth also felt a little funny. I could barely move my spine to stand. So I sat slumped in the mud on the floor instead. I tugged at the shackles holding my wrists in the air. They held strong, and I groaned. My wings were taped to my body, and my tail had also been cuffed to the floor.

Suddenly, a slot opened in the metal door. My pupils narrowed at the light. I growled at the rhino, who was peeking in. He shut it soon after. Through the door I heard a muffled reply to a question. The lock clicked, then the door was pushed open. A woman stood in front of me, wearing black. She looked of Japanese origin, and her black hair was tipped in pink.

"Get away from me," I growled as she stepped into my cell. Instead of answering, she grabbed one of my horns and wrenched my head a little. She let go soon after. I was poked and prodded in a variety of places. This kept going for a fair amount of time. At one point, the woman had pulled a knife from her belt and run it along my forearm. A small notch was made in my scales when she pressed fairly hard against them. I had hissed whenever she touched me.

"Get a blood sample," she ordered a man waiting outside. He wore a complete face mask, and not a single bit of skin showed through his black suit. The woman grabbed my horns from behind to stop me from biting as the man managed to stick a needle under a scale. Green blood was drawn into the canister.

They left me and locked the cell behind them. I sat silently for what could have been hours. Finally feeling fed up, I wrenched on the manacles with all my strength. To my surprise, one of the links in the chain snapped. I sat and stared at the broken link, before moving my hand to the other. Using my claws, I miraculously found a way to pick the lock. I was grinning so wide at my success. I pulled the cuff off my tail as well. As I started to tear at the tape, the woman unlocked the door again. She froze when she saw me free. Taking the opportunity, I pounced onto her, knocking her over. The two mutants from before, the rhino and the one with stupid purple glasses, charged at me. I easily leapt up, landed on their backs with a foot to each, then pushed them over as I pushed off. They groaned and tried to get up, but before they could, I put pressure on their backs. I pushed my wings out with all their strength, tearing the tape the rest of the way. I gave a roar of victory, before I ran to a nearby window and jumped through the glass. Thankfully, my scales protected me from the cuts, and I flared my wings and tail fins before reaching the ground. Luckily for me, I landed in an alley with a manhole. I clambered down the ladder.


"Ya know what? She probably just didn't wanna be around freaks anymore!" Raph yelled at Leo. This argument had gone on long enough, and what Raph said wasn't technically right.
"Uh, Raph?"
"What?!" I shrunk a little as he glared at me. I gulped and pushed up my glasses before continuing.
"She couldn't have been hanging around with freaks if she already was one," I growl. I try not to refer to anyone in this way, but it was the only way to calm down the red-masked turtle. His eyes widened as he realised what I had said was true. He sighed and sat down, exhaustion showing on his face. He mumbled an apology to Leo. Leo was about to sit beside him when Skollña practically collapsed as she entered the lair.


I awoke to a bright light shining into my eyes. I groaned a little. I knew I was okay, because I could smell the sewers and a familiar semi-reptilian scent. "Donnie?" I mumbled.
"Hey, Skollña. How're you feeling?" he asked as I sat up.
"Surprisingly well, even though it feels like the roof of my mouth has been gouged out, my teeth full of cavities, and fire poured down my throat," my voice rasped. I flicked my tongue out, only to taste chemicals.

I sat there for a while longer, telling Donnie the events leading up to my current state as he collected various samples to study. When he gave me the all clear, I went and told the other turtles what had happened.

After telling them, Mikey came and gave me a hug. Until I told him I couldn't breathe. We laughed, and he said he would go get pizza. After he left, Raph actually complimented me for once, on my escape. I had taken down two large mutants in seconds. The problem was, I wasn't the one in control. That presence had been driving my actions. Leo smiled and patted my shoulder before checking on what Donnie was working on. But I feel like I forgot to mention something...

*And that would be the blood sample, just so you guys know. Onwards!~*

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