Chapter 11: A Plan for Revenge

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I left the bar via a secret passage to an abandoned warehouse. There, the mutants had a van, which clients had to transport them in. I drove them to my apartment. It was on the ground floor, and thankfully, next to an alley, so the mercenaries could begin the hunt sooner.

Ten minutes after arriving, my father's soldiers appeared. However, I was used to it, since I had spent nearly my entire life with the Foot Clan. My younger sister, Karai, stepped to the front of the group. "We want revenge," was all she said. I nodded.
"You will get it. You will hunt them down and bring them back alive. You may then torture them as I take their mutagen. Then you may kill them," I laid out my terms. Karai thought for a moment.
"Hai," We bowed to honour the agreement.
"I would like some of your men to go with two mercenaries. I believe you may know them?" I said as Bebop and Rocksteady came out of the kitchen, guffawing while stuffing potato crisps in their large mouths. Both parties' eyes widened as they recognised one another.


"We've found them! Requesting backup in Quadrant 4!" The radio crackled with the voice of a Foot soldier. I sat at my desk with my reading glasses on. My laptop sat open in front of me. I had been bored, so I researched creatures of myth, just for the heck of it. Some of the stories were quite interesting, such as the Greek demigod Hercules and his twelve labours.

"Hehe, Bebop to boss, the turtles ha- hey!" A muffled thump told me that the receiver was dropped.
"Hey boss! It's me, Rocksteady! Uh, the turtles got away and- oi!"
More muffled sounds and static reached my ears. Growing tired of the antics, I picked up the transmitter.
"Will you two stop arguing and just tell me what happened?" I sigh.
"Uh, okey dokey boss. The turtles got away," It was Bebop again. I sighed once more. I knew they would not be easy to catch.
"Alright. I want you and your squads back here to rest. I want you ready for tomorrow night," An idea was forming in my head.
"Got it boss," said the rhino's voice.

When they had returned, I made sure to debrief them. "So you found the turtles?" I asked.
"Yup, but there was someone else with them. I couldn't see too clearly, it was a little too dark," Rocksteady claimed.
"And the fire escape couldn't support our combined weight," Bebop miserably grumbled. I leaned back against the counter. Both mutants sat on the couch in front of me. I thought for a minute.
"How much could you see of this other figure?"
"Um, they had wings," Rocksteady began.
"Yeah! Big wings! I saw them lift one of them soldiers into the air. They didn't go very far. They ended up dropping the soldier on another guy," Bebop described excitedly. Another mutant? Hmm... I was going to have to look into this.
"Tomorrow, I want you out there patrolling again. Try not to be seen, I don't want those turtles knowing what we're up to," I planned out loud. "I want you out there every night until you find them. But before you capture the turtles, I want you to catch this winged person," I began to decide what I would do with this new friend of the turtles. Unbeknownst to me, I had an evil look in my eye, one that my father had. Both mutants shifted uncomfortably. I dismissed them to rest. Time for some revenge...

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