Chapter 7: A Memory...

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A girl sat on a soft, hand-knitted rug near an alight fireplace. She giggles as her father does silly things to entertain her, while her mother smiles from the couch, sewing her husband's shirt.

The father then pulls out two sheathes. They held his daughter's birthday present, because her 8th birthday had been that day. It was evening, and the family tradition was to give gifts that would help her in her future.

Her mother had made her a simple grey shirt and darker grey shorts with black trim. They were made for when she became older, and more capable of handling her father's gift. He handed his daughter the sheathes. She grabs the handle of one and pulls out a blade. She gasps in delight, and gently resheathes it before getting up and hugging her father. He picks her up and spins her around.

The girl's grandparents enter. Her Nan and Poppa from her mother's side, and her Grandmama from her father's. Grandmama had black hair, like her son and granddaughter. She hugged the girl and gave her a small book bound in black leather. Embossed in the cover was a spiral leaf.

Nan gave the girl a pair of jade earrings. They were twin Oriental lions. They curled up, as if sleeping, except the one on the left had its mouth open in a roar. Poppa gave his grandchild a staff. It looked like any old bō staff, except for the switch near the middle and a barely visible seam in the centre. He let his granddaughter press the switch. Two small blades popped out of each end. Pressing the switch again, the blades resheathed themselves. Poppa gave the girl one end of the stick and told her to pull. So she did. The staff split in half and slid to reveal two swords concealed inside, with the hilt being the half length of staff. The girl absolutely loved it, and hugged her Poppa.


I sit in front of a demolished fireplace. There is little roof above me, and it has begun to rain. I sob into the burnt tatters of a soft rug that once sat in front of the fire. Rubble surrounds me. The abandoned building groans with my sobs, as if remembering better days. I begin to keen. A haunting melody that wraps around the grey walls of the building.

"Der la meen oh, dascun jir fando... Remember me... Remember home... Remember the love you once had... Next to me so close..."

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