Chapter 21: Siege

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"Whoa!" I fell out of my room, katanas barely on my back. Raph fell out beside me, while Mikey and Donnie stumbled out into the rest of the lair. I heard a shriek, and as I lay on my shell, I watched Skollña fall from the ceiling. Thankfully, I was right below her.

Heaving Skollña and myself to our feet, we staggered our way to Master Splinter in the middle of the lair. "Quickly, my sons! We must get to safety!" the rat called, before running off. Raphael caught up to him, scooping his father up and running faster. Skollña, knowing she she still wasn't used to running, pushed to catch up to me. She bounded off the nearby wall, then Mikey's back, before grabbing ahold of my shell. I could feel her gripping my carapace with her claws.


Reaching the surface, a fresh wave of seismic activity nearly knocked us off of our feet. "This way!" Leo shouted to us. We followed him to the rooftops.

Somehow, we managed to get to April's apartment without falling off the buildings. As we clambered in through the window, her cell rung out. Glancing at us apologetically, she quickly said "Make yourselves at home," before moving to a different room, answering the call. I started working on finding the epicentre of the quake.


I shoved another piece of pizza in my mouth. April did say to make ourselves at home, so I took out a couple of frozen pizzas and cooked them. We could hear her talking away in the next room.

"I wonder who she's talking to?" Donnie thought out loud, tinkering with his contraptions. As if in answer to his question, April walked out of the room, hanging up in the process.
"Sorry guys, it wa-" she was cut off as another earthquake, even stronger than the last two, shook the building. I heard several glass objects shatter as they fell to the ground in other rooms. Everyone grabbed hold of something that was not likely to move, like the wall.

When the worst of the tremors subsided, April continued her sentence. "It was Chief Vincent. She wants to know if you guys know anything about this,"


"How the hell would we know why there are earthquakes shaking New York to its foundations?!"
"I don't know Raph, that's just what she asked," April tried to sooth.
"We didn't even know that that idiot Krang was coming!"
"Well, we did know that the Shredder was looking for pieces to create a teleportation device," Donnie decided to throw his two cents in.
"After April found out that the other idiot, Stockman, was planning to break Shredder out of prison!" Out of the corner of my eye, I glimpsed Skollña's eyes go wide, and Father asked her something. But I was too enraged to care.


"What's wrong, my dear?"
"I-I can feel the e-e-energy from the t-tremors," I mumbled.
"What do you mean, Skollña?" the old rat gently placed a soothing hand on my shoulder. My tail was wrapped around my legs again, and my ears flat against my skull, indicating my fear.
"It's evil," I hissed in a whisper to the other mutant. I tried to shake it off, but it clung on, so I tried to distract myself by watching Raph get angry at a simple question.

After several minutes of shouting, another tremor (which made me feel sick), and more shouting, I had had enough. So I said so. "ENOUGH!!!" I roared. The word seemed to hold power, as it pushed back the sickening feeling, but it came back after a few seconds.

Everyone's head automatically turned to me. "What?" Raphael growled at me. I took a step forward.
"I can sense the energy behind these tremors," as I said that last word, another quake shook the earth.
"What do you mean?" Donatello asked after the shaking had calmed enough. I noticed that this time, there was a constant shaking, but not as bad as the peak of the tremors. "Can you detect seismic activity?"
"No. I can feel the intention beneath the earth. Something is coming..."


I stood before Police Chief Vincent, with a variety of firepower aimed at the turtles and myself. Splinter decided to stay with April in her apartment. The police had come to retrieve us. As we clambered into the mobile headquarters, I began to explain what I felt.

"It's like there is something, deep beneath the surface, that is awakening. Something, or someone, has summoned it,"
"And how would someone go about 'summoning', this entity you speak of?"
"The currency of gods, more than likely,"
"And what would this currency be, if it existed?" The Chief spoke with high levels of sarcasm, but also curiosity.
"Oh it exists alright. The Greek gods, to this day, use nothing less than pure gold, mined from Mount Olympus, in their golden drachmas," I smirked at the Chief's expression. It was a mix of surprised and impressed.
"Okay, how do we stop it?" I considered her question.
"Well, I would have to know who it is first, it might not even be of Greek origin," The shoulders of the cop slump in defeat. "Not to worry, I was basically a myth master in my childhood,"

We arrived in an empty area of the city, where Donnie had traced the epicentre of the tremors to. The exact location was in a small sports field. We parked a few blocks away, when I had told them to go no closer. I felt truly sick, as if the energy was suffocating me. I could tell it was affecting everyone else also. Raph was becoming more temperamental, and Donnie slightly depressed. Mikey was sullen and Leo looked irritated. The humans looked nauseous, and their most prominent negative emotions were surfacing.

"Guys, before we do anything, I want you all to know how lucky you are, to have each other," I watched as their faces lost some of those negative emotions. My statement had affected Raph the most. He looked about as angry as he did when he found a pop-tart that Donnie had licked the icing off of. Which wasn't overly angry, more resigned to the fact his younger brother still couldn't stop his habit after admitting it two years ago.

We exited the van. Running towards the field, I glanced at the sky. Gathering my feet beneath me, I leapt into the air, letting my wings extend to their fullest. My tail became a rudder behind me, fins allowing for extra stability. I was enjoying my flight, until a large swarm of creatures appeared in the sky with me. I glanced below to see the turtles running effortlessly. Looking back up, large birds with metal-tipped feathers screeched ahead. They quickly began to attack.

"Stymphalian birds!" I yelled as I identified the creatures. Ahead, my eyes could make out a mass of creatures. Hellhounds, a flock of cockatrice, several hydras, chimeras, and manticores surrounded a large, three-headed dog. Cerberus. More myths became reality as giants, ogres, dark elves and even a few minotaurs clambered out of a gaping crevice in the Earth. Avoiding the Stymphalian fowl, I managed to get a direct, overhead view as the head of a giant man broke into the air.
"I have come to claim my rightful throne," A deep, rumbling voice emerged from the craggy face. "I am coming for you, Diñärv of the Great Thunder,"

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