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"Mikey! Give me back my staff!"
"But I wanna see what it does!"
"You'll cut yourself lil' bro," Raphael grabbed the staff from the orange-masked turtle, before throwing it to the dragon-like mutant.
"Thanks Raph!"

Skollña had successfully anchored herself to this realm, where she had grown up, lost a family, made a new family. Oh, and some friends.

April, Casey, and a still somewhat nervous Vern had gathered in the turtle's lair to celebrate their latest victory. "It was all Skollña this time," Leo had stated, clapping his now younger sister on the back.

April had found her files, and discovered she had been off the radar for eight years. Splinter had found a way to sign some papers showing her existence and to adopt Skollña, without ever going to the surface.

And as her birthday rolled around, on January the 22nd, Splinter presented her with the adoption certificate.


"Alright! Beach trip!"
"Get in the truck, Mikey," Leo sighed with exasperation. I grinned at him as I clambered in. We were going to the beach, as a late birthday present. I had requested it as a gift, but it was cold and snowy. So we decided to wait until June.


Arriving at the secluded beach, we began to explore. Mikey headed into the water, trying to surf with barely any waves. Leo and Raph set up a small camp, and Donnie tinkered with a new invention. I headed around the next headland.

Finding a cave in the cliff, I ventured inside. Deep into the cave, I came across a large symbol with strange markings. It was positively ancient. Two, tiny gaps were embedded into the stone. They looked about the size of the earrings that Nan gave me...

Pulling them out of the pouch on my belt, I inserted both into the stone.

*Ooooh! What's gonna happen?! Too bad, end of story. Maybe I'll continue this in a sequel...
Anyways, thankyou so much for reading this! I'd like to thank my friend once more. Give it up for inspirational1234 , previously known as timetocks! You rock!
CalicoKitty160 out~*

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