Chapter 5: Pain

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*WARNING!!! Detailed descriptions of injuries ahead! Onwards~*

I feel pain. In fact, it's torture. I can't feel past my waist. It's numb. My jaw feels like it's broken. Everything aches.

My ears are ringing, but I can hear voices. My nose feels like it's on fire, but I can smell. It is a strong smell. It smells like bodily waste. The voices mumble in my ears.

"I don't... happened...," a voice whispered.
"Her eyes... gone. ...Only... socket," another murmured. Now that they mention it, my eyes feel like they've been doused in gasoline and set alight.

I start screaming. The pain has become too much. My shoulders and lower back start to shift under my skin. Bones grind against each other. I feel my skin tear. Bare bone pushes against cloth. I roll on to my stomach to relieve some pain. It doesn't work. If anything, the bones move faster.

The voices are urgent now. I feel the cloth against the revealed bones being cut or torn. I hear gasps. The pain, I'm losing to it now.

It's killing me from the inside out. My innards are worse than on fire. They've been doused in acid. I feel ribs shift and my spine extend. I can barely scream anymore. The pain is excruciating.

Organs rupture. Blood flows out between my gritted teeth. I begin to fade. I just have to remember, 'Na Draconi gashun to ka, a Draconi never gives up'.I repeat this phrase until darkness claims me.

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