Chapter 16: Apex

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I sat in the lounge area after telling the turtles what had occurred. I sighed heavily and went to find a snack. I found a pizza box with a few slices still in it. The only problem with the pizza was that it was cold. I sighed again, but as I sighed, I felt something in my throat make a snap. As I exhaled, fire blew between my teeth. It hit the pizza, warming it instantly. I scream more with surprise than the slight pain of the heat between my teeth.

Mikey is the first to rush in, with Raph, Donnie and Leo close behind. They all started clamouring for answers, seeing as I was fine, and a warm pizza in front of me, which Mikey pinched a slice of. When he did, my eyes widened. The other three turtles stopped when they saw my reaction.

"What's wrong Skollña?" Donatello's concerned voice made it past my furry ears. I shuddered before replying.
"I... I b-b-breathed...-"
"Oh, so you only wanted to let us know your lungs work," Raph said with extreme annoyance.
"Let her finish," Leo mumbled. He motioned for me to continue. I look him in the eye, the one who had saved me mere days ago.
"I breathed fire..."

Donnie ran different experiments for the rest of the morning. First he had me run as far as I could. Then I had to lift as much weight as I could, with my legs, arms, tail, even wings! In a test of agility, I had to leap from pipe to pipe. I was dead tired by lunch.


"What's up Don?" I asked as I entered his computer area later that afternoon. He looked at me with wide eyes, before turning around to a screen again and clicking a few things. A few sheets of paper printed from a nearby machine.
"Take a look at this," he breathed urgently. I looked down at the paper. It was some test results from Skollña, with some from today's tests. Thankfully, Donnie had set it out in a way I could understand. I bent my head down to read the paper better.

Name: Skollña Draconi
Age: 16
Family: All deceased and unknown.
Bodily Mutations:
Scales that are tough and resistant to sharp objects and fire. Somewhat resistant to acid.
Throat now contains a small gland containing excess hydrogen gas. Small section of throat is capable of creating friction to light it. Also contains an unknown biological chemical which will allow fire to become extremely hot, as well as other unknown properties.
Second stomach also present, possibly used for storing excess food.
Teeth are sharp, with front ones made for tearing and shredding meats, while back ones can crush bone when enough force is applied. Front canines are somewhat hollow.
Venom glands channel down into canines, and produce a venom that induces temporary total paralysis. Will still allow victim to breathe and speak, however.
Claws on all appendages are sharp and can tear things easily. Heels hide a hidden claw that is useful for self-defence.
Horns may be for display, however, they are surprisingly strong.
Ears are capable of echolocation, and can hear 6x more than the average dog.
Eyesight is very enhanced. Able to see in the dark 10x better than humans, and can see further than an eagle if chosen.
Nose has two functions. Smell is 5x better than dogs. Near the front of each nostril is a pit, similar to that of a pit-viper. Able to detect heat with them.
Taste is 4x better than a snake's.
Wings and tail allow for high speed flying and aero-acrobatic manoeuvres.
Mental Mutations:
Instinct can now play a major role in behaviour. Cat-like behaviour, territoriality. Shows emotions easily through body language.

My eyes widened at the level of mutation the 16 year old had gone through. I looked at my brother with shock. He pushed his glasses up before taking a shaky breath. "Leo, if she learns how to control all of this, or if her instincts take over, we'll have an apex predator on our hands. And I'm not talking as in an ecosystem apex, I'm talking global apex. She would be the top predator on the entire planet,"

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