Chapter 12: Scales

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It was the day after Skollña told the turtles her past. She had been feeling phantom aches and pains from her mutation all morning. It all went wrong when her skin began to peel away in thick sheets.
"Donnie!" she screamed. Said turtle came crashing out of his bedroom, tripping on Mikey's skateboard before slipping on a loose sheet of skin and falling on his shell in front of the ailing mutant. "Um... Are you okay?" she asked as Donnie grimaced in pain.
"Yea, I-I'm fine. I just think I crushed a gadget or two," he groaned. He got up from his position and took in her form. "Holy shell! Quick, come with me," he grabbed her clawed hand and dragged her to an area he had set up as a med-bay. She sat on the bed while he ran around grabbing random things. The pain was gone for now, replaced with an uncomfortable prickling sensation. Skollña examined her arm while she waited. Under the skin, she could see little black spots.

As the purple-masked turtle continued to run around frantically, Skollña watched with fascination as the black spots grew larger, eventually breaking the skin. It burned like hell. She screamed as the spots grew and became tough, overlapping each other as they grew. They grew until the black faded to a dull grey-green. Skollña could hear Donnie yelling, but couldn't understand him past the pain. She collapsed into unconsciousness.


My eyes slowly blinked open. Everything ached and felt stiff. I tried to move my hand, to rub my eyes, but it wouldn't budge. I managed to look down at it. It wasn't tied up. Then I realised what exactly I was looking at. My hand was covered in freaking scales! I managed to check my other hand. It was similarly covered.

After a while, I tried to move again. It was excruciatingly slow, but I managed to feel the top of my head, where I had felt a weird sensation. My fingers brushed past my ears, then bumped into something hard. It was round-ish, and extended a fair way from my scalp. Moving my hand to the other side of my head, I felt a matching one there. Just then, Donnie walked in, probably to check on me. Upon seeing me awake, he grinned a gap-toothed smile. "How are you feeling?" he quietly spoke.
"Mmff. Stiff and sore," I reply. "What are these on my head?"
"I believe they are horns. They're rather beautiful. Kinda looks like bismuth," I recalled the iridescent mineral from chemistry classes.

 Kinda looks like bismuth," I recalled the iridescent mineral from chemistry classes

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I couldn't help but want to look. Donnie chuckled and held a mirror above me, at an angle where I could see my new horns. They were dazzling. I also saw what had become of my face. I barely had lips left, and my nostrils were larger. My face looked... foreign and... exotic.

I was broken out of my thoughts when my stomach growled loudly. I groaned and held my abdomen. It felt like it was eating itself and the rest of my innards! Donnie just left for a bit, then came back with a slice of pizza on a plastic plate. "Here," he mumbled as I grabbed the plate and scoffed the pizza like a ravenous animal, which I kind of was.

After finishing the slice and using my long tongue to lick away any remains around my mouth, I tried sitting up. "Uh, Skollña?" Donnie nervously queried.
"Y-you r-really shouldn't be getting out of bed y-yet," I smile and practically heave myself to my strange feet, which I stumbled on. Donnie grabbed my shoulders to stop me from falling. After I placed my tail just so, I nodded to him that I had regained my balance. He let go. "One more q-question," he nervously stuttered. "M-may I run some physical tests?" I smile.
"When I'm capable of standing on my own two feet,"

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