Chapter 4: Blood

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*I thought I might draw my OC from this story. Won't be done for a while yet, but hopefully by the time it is, the picture will match the description. Onwards~*

Donatello slumped to the ground. He was exhausted from helping the child again. I assumed the worst, as always, when I saw her, but she looked in so much pain and her disfigurements made me feel sympathy. She needed help, but the doctors above wouldn't have a clue. I knew my son could help.

She had jerked upwards, vomiting green blood upwards in a fountain. Donatello had scrambled to sit her up, as she might have choked on her blood. She had some sort of seizure, before relaxing and lapsing back into pained unconsciousness. Michelangelo helped to clean up the mess, even though he kept slipping in it.

I would have put them all in the Hashi for this, but the girl needed their help. As Leonardo told me how he found her, I decided that she could stay until we figured out what was happening. Donatello would find it interesting. If he could stay awake.

I sighed as his eyes fluttered closed and he began to snore softly. Two of my other sons had fallen asleep as well. I watched as Raphael left the lounge area. I followed him to the dojo.

He began training himself. I watched from the doorway. My son was not happy. I wasn't quite happy either, but I could accept her presence until she left. Raphael couldn't. "My son, what is wrong?" I asked. He stopped flinging shuriken at a target and huffed.
"I don't want her here. She... she's human. I know she'll end up being trouble," he grunted. I was surprised at his forthrightness.
"Hmm," I muttered. "Consider this, just as a thought," I began. "What if she is slowly mutating, like we did? What if she had recently escaped from the Foot? Would you help her?" I asked. I honestly wasn't quite sure what he would say.
"I guess... I guess if she was trustworthy, and could contribute, then I guess she would be alright," he mumbled. "Except we don't know who she is, and I would rather not have an untrustworthy human running around all of New York and giving away our location!" His voice got louder as he spoke, finally flinging another shuriken at the target, leaving the star inches deep in the wood. I sigh and nod my agreement.
"At least allow her to be here for now," I patted his shoulder and shuffled off to find a bucket for the child's blood. It was beginning to get vomited everywhere. As I left the dojo, I heard Leonardo yell.
"Donnie! Something's wrong!"

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