Chapter Twenty-One

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(Jacob's Point of View)

I turned back and watched as Sean swung at me, punching my eye. I was always a fighter, but not today. I just wanted to get home. I ignored the blow and proceded to try and open my car door. Except Sean wouldn't let me. "Pussy," he chanted. "How you gonna let another man punch you like that and not say anything?"

Sean turned to walk back to the porch of the house by the door. Mid-way there, he turned around and spit at me. I dodged his flying saliva and he laughed to himself before following Jazmine back into the the house.

I shrugged and finally opened my car door. My phone had been blowing up with notifications, but I didn't even bother to check and see what they were about. After she left my condo, I couldn't think or concentrate on anything but her. I was sprung.

Instead of going home like I intended to, I decided that I needed to talk to the Pink One. She sent me her address a couple days ago, but at the time I didn't even care. Now I did. My only worries were that she would try something. What would Jazmine think of me sleeping with her "best friend"?

I hadn't seen Bahja since the whole flower shop incident, so I didn't even know if she would let me in through her front door. I had to at least try though.

When I pulled up to the address she had given me, I saw a gigantic pink structure with pink curtains peeking through the window. In the drive thru I saw a pink convertible in front of a pink ferrari. Everything was pink about her house except for her rich evergreen lawn. No suprise there.

I walked up the steps on the the pink stone porch and rang the doorbell. A complictated variation of the traditional "ding dong" played for a while. I rang again. I knew she was here because I heard some shuffling around the door and could see a big eye peaking at me from the window by the door. I rang again. Now I could hear laughter. I just gave up and started walking back to my car.

"Wait," Bahja's voice called as she opened her front.

I smiled to myself. I knew she would open the door when I tried to leave. "Come in."

"Finally," I muttered under my breath as I walked the walkway to her porch.

She waited for me to enter her house before she closed the door. "What do you want?" she asked, annoyed that she gave into me.

"I know you guys weren't really friends," I started nervously, "but what can I do to get Jazmine back?"

Bahja took in what I asked her before she starting laughing a high piched, shrill laugh. "You really expect me to answer your question? After what you did to me on Friday?"

"Yeah," I said lowly, looking down at my feet and playing with my hands.

"Aww, don't feel bad fro," Bahja cooed, taking my curly hair and twisting it with her fingers.

"Don't treat me like a child Pepto Bismol," I groaned angrily.

Bahja ignored me and continued to twist my hair around. "I have champagne we can open."

I didn't say anything back. Bahja sighed. "We can do it. It can help you get over her."

I looked into Bahja seriously, pain evident in my eyes. A good drink couldn't hurt. "Follow me," Bahja said.

I followed Bahja into her pink and black tiled kitchen and leaned against the pink central island. Bahja walked down a set of stairs that I believe led to a basement. I looked around her kitchen and saw her pink stove, pink lights, pink cabinets, pink tables with pink chairs, and pink counters. Bahja reemerged from the stairs with two boxes that each contained one bottles of pink chamagne. I scoffed. Of course her champagne was pink.

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