Chapter Three

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(5 years later)

I'm running down the hallway when something tackles me and drags me back by my feet.

"Let go of me!" I screamed. Whatever was holding onto me let go and I stood up in front of a pool. Suddenly I got hit in the head and fell face first into the pool unconscious.

"Cut!" screamed the director. "Jazmine fantastic job!"

"Thanks," I said while grabbing a towel off of the towel rack.

I walked past Nina on my way back to my dressing room.

"Congrats on getting the new role," she told me.

"Thank you," I replied.

When I got back to my dressing room I noticed a card and some flowers. It said:

"Congrats on the new role wishing you the best and many more roles to come!" -X

This had started when I got my first acting job. X had always sent me a card and flowers whenever I got an acting job or an award. I started thinking about who could be sending the cards when I was interrupted by a knock on the door. "Come in!", I yelled to whoever it was. Someone with flowers covering their face walked.

"Guess who," said a male voice.

"Ray, you shouldn't have," I said smiling.

"But I did," he said.

I kissed him on the cheek and changed into my clothes for the next scene. He sat down in a bean bag chair investigating the room. "This place is nicer than the last one," he said amazed.

"I know right," I agreed, I'm about to go back on set. Do you wanna watch?"

"Sure," he answered.

"Jay!" I heard the director scream.

I flinched. I hated it when he called me that. It was the nickname he gave me but it still hurt when I heard it. Even though his name was really Jacob it still hurt.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"We're gonna do the scene where Stefan feeds you his blood to save you," he replied.

After the director filmed the scene it was a wrap for the day. Ray drove home by himself because I was going to lunch with some of my friends from the set. Nina, Kat, and Candice.

"How about we go to that new Chinese place for lunch that opened down the street?" Nina asked as we made our way towards the parking lot.

We all agreed on going. I put on my sunglasses so the paparazzi wouldn't recognize me. We all ordered fried rice with shrimp. When it was time to pay I told them they could go and I would pay. As I was leaving I dropped my phone. I didn't realize it until someone tapped me on the shoulder. The person was a little taller than me And had sunglasses and a scarf over their face. I could tell they were trying to be hidden "Here you go, you dropped this."

The muffled voice was guys. I said thanks and gave him a hug for giving me my phone back. Suddenly I heard cameras flashing and a voice behind me.

"Jazmine, we got you!" someone from TMZ


The guy who gave me my phone back ran away and I just stood there in awe. When I realized he was gone I pushed pass the paparazzi and went back to the parking lot on set. As I drove back home I thought about what I was going to tell Ray. They would probably air something about it tonight. When I got home I didn't tell him.

"Where were you?" he asked.

"I went to get lunch with some of my cast mates," I answered.

"I got a picture sent to me from someone who works at TMZ," he said cooly. I froze. "Do you know who that guy was?" he asked angrily.

"I wasn't cheating on you I swear!" I cried.

At that moment I decided to run. He yelled for me to come back but ignored him as I ran up the stairs. He chased me as I ran. I tried to go in our room and lock the door but he caught up to me. He backhanded me and I fell to the ground in tears. "You shouldn't have run from me!" he yelled with rage.

I stood up and said I was sorry. But he wasn't listening. He pushed me onto our bed and started raping me. I sat there and just took it.

Jazmine's Story (A Mindless Behavior Fanfic) {ON HOLD}Where stories live. Discover now