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After a short five minutes of pushing Kian ended up on the floor, kicking me as I sneered at him from the couch. After awhile I joined him on the floor and we laid on our backs beside each other.

"Ricky, do you like Andrea?" He asked, turned his head toward me. I laughed.

"Of course I do, why wouldn't I?" I said making a funny face at him. He gave a half smile and looked the other way.

"I don't know. I mean I love her, but sometimes I really just don't like her." He sighed. It wasn't often that Kian was serious so I knew better than to brush it off.

"Why? What'd she do Kian?" I said, bracing myself on my elbow to look down at him. He exhaled loudly before continuing. 

"It's not so much just one big thing, just a lot of little things. I feel like she doesn't respect me. How dumb does that sound?" He laughed, looking at me, but when I didn't laugh back he went on, "Like today, I suggested a movie for us to watch and she was like, Kian you have the worst taste in movies just accept I will always be the one to pick the movie in our relationship. Which wasn't a big deal, but it's always like that when it comes to where we eat or who we hang-out with or anything. She always has to have the last say." 

"Kian, that's every girl. It's our job to put up with their demands." I said, giving a sympathetic smile but he shook his head. 

"You know she told me she doesn't like you. She said you only act nice but she knows secretly you're a judgmental jerk. She said that she thinks you're trying to sabotage our relationship so you can have a single buddy to go out on the town with. How does she get off acting like she knows you better than I do? I mean, you're like my other half. In a brotherly way, you know?" I blushed. Kian never said stuff like this. I mean, I knew he felt that way he just never felt the need to say it.

"Well, you know, I can be a two-faced judgmental jerk." I laughed, brushing off his compliments. He sighed and pushed me off my elbow brace. 

"Hardly. You're honestly the nicest guy to ever walk the Earth. You wouldn't hurt a fly." He said, standing up and looking down at me. He flashed a killer smile down at me. God, he was gorgeous. Wait. What the fuck. Good-looking in a brotherly way, not gorgeous. Who uses the word gorgeous anyway. He offered me his hand to help me up and I took it. 

"Are your palms sweaty enough or what?" He laughed, wiping his hand on his jeans. I just gave an embarrassed smile. 

"So what are you doing today?" I asked, quickly averting the subject. He shrugged and plopped down on my futon looking up at me. 

"We could go see that weird movie Joey and Jessica went to see. The one for kids with the snowman?" Kian suggested. I felt a smile creep across my face.

"Frozen? That sounds like fun, see when the next playing is." I said, watching him pull his phone out of his pocket.

"Twenty minutes, we have time to make it." He said, jumpng up and dragging me by the arm out of my room. I sighed, he was so hyper all the time. It made for interesting hang-out sessions though.

My Other Half (Rickian)Where stories live. Discover now