Not That Big of a Deal

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The shower was exactly what I needed. It didn't clear the worrisome thoughts from my head but it pushed them to the back of my thoughts. I wrapped a towel around my waist and headed toward my room. I opened the door and jumped when I seen Kian in my bed. He was laying down playing with his phone like it was no big deal.

"Why are you in here?" I said, readjusting the towel that had began to slip. Kian looked up lazily.

"You were in there for ages. But anyway, I want to hang out. Watch a movie, seeing as we never got to earlier." He offered, pointing to the laptop I hadn't noticed that was loading a movie. 

"Well, get out at least long enough for me to get dressed." I said making a shooing gesture towards him. Being the annoyance he was he turned around to face the wall instead of actually getting out. I exhaled loudly but went to my closet anyway. I put on boxers and pajama pants, deciding to go shirtless. I'd be under the blankets most the time anyway.

"Did Trevor's pizza get here?" I asked, looking over my shoulder to see Kian had already turned around. "You didn't see anything did you!?"

"Nothing that caught my eye, no." He laughed, throwing a pillow at me. He was joking, he didn't see anything. I picked up the pillow and threw it back at him, heading toward the kitchen. I hope the boys didn't eat all of it. 

Luckily there was still a few slices left and I shoved them into my face, not wanting to keep Kian waiting too long. I was just chasing it down with a drink of milk when Kian walked into the room.

"I was going to rot before you got back so I decided to come looking for you." He said, hopping up and sitting on the counter. I rolled my eyes.

"Well that was stupid of you, I'm ready now." I said, reaching up and grabbing a bag of chips out of the cupboard. Kian snatched them out of my hands and started back toward my room. I followed him up. 

"I'll put it back into couch form." Kian offered, fixing my futon so we'd be more comfortable. Once he was finished I sat down and wrapped the blanket around me. Kian sat down and put the laptop on his lap. 

"What movie?" I asked, watching him quickly check his twitter before playing the movie. He grinned.

"It's actually a tv show. I figured I'd give your weird Supernatural show you love so much a shot." He said. I frowned.

"I'm already up to date on all the episodes though." 

"Let's just rewatch them together." I didn't want to turn him away when he was hurting plus I didn't really have anything better to do so I agreed. Little did he know I'd already re-watched them all, in the last month, but I didn't want to kill the mood so I kept quiet. 

"Ricky!" I heard Kian whisper in my ear. I yawned.

"What?" I mumbled, opening my eyes. The laptop's brightness made me squint until I realized what was going on. I'd totally fallen asleep while I was supposed to be watching Supernatural with Kian. I sat up, realizing that I'd been leaning on his shoulder.

"Sorry I woke you, this episode is just a lot scarier than the rest." How many had he watched? I felt around for my phone and Kian giggled. "Don't touch my feet!"

"Sorry." I mumbled, knowing to avoid that area. I finally found it buried in the blankets and checked the time.

"Kian it's nearly five in the morning!" I shouted. He looked at me like I was crazy.

"Well obviously, and if you keep talking that loud you're going to wake everyone up!" I didn't notice how bugged out and tired he looked until now. Suddenly something popped up on the screen and Kian let out a girly scream.

"Look who's going to wake everyone up now." I said, laughing at how nervous he was over this. I knew he didn't really like horror movies but I never expected it to be this bad. He elbowed me and brought the blanket up to cover half his face. Another thing I hadn't noticed. He'd somehow gotten into my blanket cocoon I'd worked so hard to make.

"What time did I fall asleep?" I said, watching the familiar episode instead of looking at Kian. He thought for a moment before replying.

"Like eleven." He'd spent six hours with me sleeping on his shoulder? Well I guess it's not like he had a choice if he didn't want to wake me up. I smirked, slowing sinking back into the position I'd been in when I woke up. Kian acted like he didn't even notice when I rested my head on his shoulder. It's not like it's really that big of a deal anyway, we're best friends.

My Other Half (Rickian)Where stories live. Discover now