Trouble in Paradise

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I groaned when the piercing blares of the alarm clock woke me up. I sighed but forced myself out of bed, knowing I wouldn't hear the end of it if I slept in. Kian, Jc, and I had our appointment with our personal trainer today and we'd made a deal at the beginning of it that it was our duty to force the others to go when they didn't feel like it. At the time it'd seemed like a good idea but now I seriously regretted it. I reluctantly got up and strolled toward the bathroom, not bothering to get dressed in anything more than boxers. I quickly turned the corner into our bathroom and fell backward onto my ass when I smacked against Kian.

"What the hell, Ricky?" He barks, kicking me. I snort in disbelief and stare up at him wide-eyed.

"Please tell me you're kidding. Did you just get mad at me for accidentally running into you?" Instead of replying to me Kian turned back to the mirror where he had previously been styling his hair. I chuckled to myself darkly and got to my feet. 

"I don't know what's going on with you, but you need to get over it. Get out, I need to shower." I said, reaching to slap his back but miscalculating and slapping his ass instead. Unlike last night when he'd just laughed at me for touching his butt his eyes went wide.

"God, Ricky, you can be such a pervert sometimes!" He growled, pushing me aside and stomping out of the room. I stood there feeling like I'd been smacked across the face. There hadn't been a hint of sarcasm in his voice. Kian genuinely thought I was a pervert. He'd been the one kissing me back last night? I exhaled through clenched teeth, trying desperately to shreds of a good mood I'd originally had.

After my shower I hastily got dressed and joined two of my three roommates in the kitchen seeing as Connor was still in a deep slumber. Kian was eating cereal on the couch and pointedly glared at me through his eyelashes. I scoffed at him, still dumbstruck with his ignorance.

"Hey Rickers, excited for the work-out?" Jc said sarcastically, wrapping an arm around me. He must have thought better of it when he seen my unimpressed expression because he back away from me.

"You look like you're about to murder someone, you okay?

"Depends on how leniant your depiction of 'okay' is." I grumbled, opening the refrigerator.

"Wow, look at Ricky! He knows fancy words!" Jc said, crossing his eyes and sticking his tongue out. I didn't take kindly to his sarcasm and knocked his slice of cold pizza out of his hand.

"Hey!" Jc roared, staring down at the pizza with his lips pursed into a tight line. I rolled my eyes and wandered over to the couch with my newly obtained bowl of cereal. As if on cue Kian got up as soon as I sat down. We exchanged dirty looks before he left the room, shouting over his shoulder something about waiting in the car. Jc stood in the middle of the room looking back and forth between us until Kian was out of the room.

"What is going on between you two?" Jc said, his lighthearted attitude suddenly replaced. I shrugged and surprisingly found myself blinking away tears.

"I don't know! Last night we were fine! Then while we were kissing this woman on the street called us disgusting. But Kian stood up for me and then after that he took off to his room mad. I don't even understand what's going on anymore, I thought we were doing so well." My explanation ended in quiet little sobs and I felt Jc's arm wrap around my shoulders.

"You guys kissed?" I laughed through my tears. I should have known that would be the only thing Jc took away from what I'd said.

"Yeah and he even kissed back. I swear he was enjoying it just as much as I was until that stupid lady interrupted." I could hear the hatred seething off of my voice but I didn't care. As far as I was concerned it was that woman's fault Kian and I were going through whatever this was. Jc squeezed my shoulder and I looked up from the floor to face him.

"Maybe he forgot who he was kissing and she brought him back to reality?" I narrowed my eyes at him.

"That doesn't exactly make me feel any better."

"Sorry, but honestly I'm just as confused as you are as to why he'd act like this. I'm just testing out a couple different theories in my head."

"Well don't. I don't want a theory I want to be comforted." Jc rolled his eyes but pulled me closer to him.

"Like I said, you're going to meet someone who will make Kian seem like nothing."

"Why does everyone keep saying that?" I growl, balling my fists up and looking toward the door. I blink when I see Kian peeking around the doorway with a blank expression. He immediately disappears back into the other room but I knew what I'd seen. Kian had been spying on us. Did he like seeing me this way or something?

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